Chapter 4

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"Morning Y/N. We're leaving in 5 minutes," Kuroo said, sitting at the edge of your bed shaking your shoulder.

"There's still an hour," you groaned.

"Traffic," he said, pulling you up. Crap. You forgot you were at his place.

"Shoot. I'll be quick!" you hurried to the bathroom. Kuroo smiled and headed to the garage to start his car. He drove it out front so you two could leave quickly.

"I'm so sorry! We're gonna be late now!" you panicked as you got in the passenger seat. Kuroo tried to hold in a laugh. "What are you always laughing about?" you asked, frustrated.

"Y/N," he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. "Tell me, who cares if you're late?"


"I mean, who's at work right now to say you're late."

"You—" you put a hand to your forehead when you realized.

"You know the budget meeting isn't actually until 10. We probably could have slept in. This was just funnier," he started driving.

"I hate you," you leaned on the car window and looked out. "Question. Why do you live in a place like this if it's just you," you asked, looking at the large houses. You passed by a country club and golf course before exiting out a gate.

"Why not? Beats a stuffy apartment plus it used to be my parents."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"No, no," he laughed. "They're not dead they just moved out of the city."

"You grew up here?"

"Yeah. The guest room you stayed in used to be mine."

"So basically you're a spoiled brat who can't even do your hair properly," you teased.

"Hey! I like it like this. Girls do too," he huffed. You hid your smile the rest of the way there. Kuroo was starting to grow on you.

"Good morning!" Oikawa greeted the two of you in a singsongy voice as you got off the elevator. Kyoka saw the three of you and joined. "They're late and both look like a mess, what do you think Kyoka?"

"Oh!" she said, surprised.

"It's not what you think," you and Kuroo said at the same time.

"It's so obvious," Oikawa scoffed.

"Come on," Kuroo grabbed your hand, dragging you to his office.

"Kuroo what are you—" you hissed as he shut the door behind you.

"Sorry. Oikawa's getting on my nerves today." You laughed. He'd only seen Oikawa for a few seconds. "Anyways, your first budget meeting is in an hour. I need to show you what's important."

"Let's go then," you reached for the door handle when Kuroo grabbed your hand. "We're doing it here," he said, closing the blinds. "You can sit on my chair behind the desk."

"Seriously?" your eyes lit up as you sat in his big rolling chair. "This is even comfier than I imagined. I could almost fall asleep."

"Try not to do that," Kuroo leaned over you to reach his desk.

"Do you want a chair or something?" you asked. The side of his face was practically touching yours, his arms on both sides of you.

"I'm good," he smirked. Kuroo was busy teaching you when someone busted through the door.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" Oikawa said, laying down on the couch in Kuroo's office.

"How many times do I have to tell you to knock?!" Kuroo shrieked.

"And how many times do I have to tell you to lock your door? Anyways, I want to talk with missy. You're clearly in a bad mood."

"No," Kuroo said bluntly.

"Oh, by the way it's your week to set up for the budget meeting," Oikawa whistled, "starts in 15 minutes. You're cutting it kinda close." Kuroo checked his calendar and realized Oikawa was right.

"Fine," he walked over to his friend. He grabbed Oikawa by the collar making him sit up. "Don't you dare do anything to her."

Your eyes went wide as you watched him. You'd never seen him so protective of you. In fact, you'd never seen him so worked up before. It was like knowing your problems changed him.

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