Chapter 28

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"You're not gonna ask my name?" you asked as the two of you boarded the plane.

"Nope. Not gonna see each other again anyway." You sighed.

"Well, my name's Y/N since you're not gonna ask for it."

"I don't really care," he yawned, taking your bag and placing it in the overhead compartment. You shrugged and took your seat by the window as a stranger sat next you.

Iwaizumi must not have feel like talking. The plane was about to take off when you heard someone move. When you looked over it wasn't the same guy who was there before.

"Guess I don't really like window seats," Iwaizumi stretched and reached over you, closing your window shade.


"Wake me up when they serve coffee," he closed his eyes and went to sleep. You sighed, disappointed. You were hoping you'd have someone to talk to to distract yourself.

You didn't want to think of how Kuroo didn't pick up. You wanted to move on for a bit.

Kuroo never did receive your calls—you were calling the wrong number, after all. He was a few minutes off on catching you at the airport as well, but it was okay since you weren't expecting him anyway.


"Why'd I let her go?" Kuroo slammed his steering wheel as he looked at the time. 11:25. Your flight had just taken off.

He thought about how he could've done so much better if he'd seen how you really felt.

He thought about things he could have done in the past. All he had to do was write a bad recommendation letter and you'd never have the choice to go to Hong Kong in the first place.

But he didn't do that. In fact, he wrote the best letter he could have. You were good at what you did and he couldn't take the opportunity away from you. He just wished he could have found a different way to make you stay.


"You brat! You didn't wake me up when they served coffee," Iwaizumi groaned as you got off the plane the next morning.

"Because you didn't talk to me," you rolled your eyes. "I was bored the entire time."

"It was a red-eye flight! It's 6 AM, I need coffee," he got your bag from the baggage carousel and rolled it. When you tried taking it he swatted your hand away.

As annoyed as he acted around you, he was quite a gentleman when it came to his actions. You thought you'd return the favor.

"Let me buy you a cup then," you pointed to a coffee shop before customs check.

"I'm not letting you do that."

"C'mon! Let me pay you back for the drinks last night," you tried convincing him. "There can't possibly be somewhere you have to be at this time. Let's wait for the line at customs to get shorter."

He scoffed and turned to the coffee shop. You followed him as he walked up and ordered for himself, happy he agreed.

You took a look at the bill with all the stuff Iwaizumi had ordered. You'd just grabbed a Diet Coke for some caffeine—you weren't a big coffee drinker—but Iwaizumi's order made it look like he was eating for two: two breakfast sandwiches, an egg biscuit, muffin, and a cappuccino.

"I thought I said just a cup," you sighed, sitting down at a table. "You eat like a pig."

"Sorry," he wiped his mouth with a napkin, grabbing his wallet. He placed a $50 bill in front of you, double what his breakfast cost.

"Wait! I said I would—"

"Just take it Y/N. I don't wanna argue over who's paying when I could be eating. I wouldn't make a lady pay anyway." You took the bill hesitantly.

"So what are you doing here?" you asked as Iwaizumi started his second breakfast sandwich. He had good muscles for all he ate, maybe he was an athlete of some sort?

"Oh, nothing. I'm a trainer back in Japan," he shrugged. "I'm just visiting my girlfriend here. We're doing long distance."

"Girlfriend?" you asked before you could stop yourself. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

You didn't know why you were surprised, even a tad bit disappointed at what he'd said. It all made sense. He was a gentleman but he knew not to overstep his bounds with you.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't mention it earlier," he said nonchalantly. "I only really talked to you at the bar because you looked distressed. Only sat next to you on the plane because the guy next to you was being a creep. Only eating breakfast here cause my girlfriend's a terrible cook and I love her but I can't eat that."

"Yeah, yeah I get it. Wait what? What made you think I was interested in you in the first place?"

"Kinda seems like you're itching to move on. I really like my girl, and you're frankly not my type, so I can't be any help there."

You rolled your eyes—did he really have to add the not my type part?

"But if you want, you could hang out with our friends here. I'm sure a few of them wouldn't mind hooking up or having a little something."

"W-what! No! I don't want that!" your eyes shot open.

"So you're not over the guy you called last night then?"

"I never said that! Oh my god I don't know."


You got up before he could finish and tried walking away. He grabbed your arm and looked up.

Sorry, he mouthed. "I'll stop."

You yanked your arm away and sat back down, watching as he finished his breakfast. "You're not eating it?" he pushed the muffin towards you.

"Huh? I thought it was yours?"

"You can have it," he smiled. "Sorry about earlier."

You took the muffin as a way of accepting his apology, even though you weren't really into breakfast. A few minutes later the two of you got up and headed past customs outside the airport.

You and Iwaizumi each found a taxi and said goodbye. Just as you were about to enter the car you heard him say something.

"Hey, Y/N!" he yelled from the taxi behind you, throwing you his empty coffee cup. "We're all getting together tonight. Let me know if you're in," he said before getting in the cab and closing the door. You searched the cup, confused before you found a number written on the side.

Eh, why not? you thought.

From there what happened in Hong Kong was history. You had a lot of fun, more fun than you imagined you'd ever have, though it always felt like something was missing. As much as you wanted the six months in Hong Kong to get over Kuroo, you only realized more and more how much of a mistake is was to leave in the first place.

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