Chapter 10

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"Mommy! Look how aunt Y/N did my hair!" Kisa ran to a woman as you started the second girl's hair.

"Girls! Stop bothering her!" she scolded them. You turned and saw a woman slightly taller than you. There was no doubt she was Kuroo's sister. "Kuroo!" she yelled. He walked into the kitchen. "Does this girl look like a babysitter to you?"

"I had to finish some work," he nervously rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry."

"Go watch the kids and give them something to do," his sister ordered him. It was funny to see Kuroo ordered around. "I'm sorry about him," she said. "I'm Kuroo's sister, Kira. You probably already know. Want to take a break outside?" You nodded and followed her to the patio.

"I hope he doesn't burden you like this all the time," Kira started.

"Oh, no. I usually don't listen to him anyways," you replied. "I just have a weak spot for kids."

"Oh about that...I'm really sorry for bringing them all over. I didn't expect you'd be staying with Kuroo."

"Me either," you said quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't expect to be spending the night with my boss a month into my job," you sighed. "But he was so good to me, it just kinda happened. I worry sometimes he's only nice to get in my pants."

"Well has he?"


"I guess he really is serious then," Kira said.


"He just seems really patient for—"

"He told me he'd wait," you interrupted. "I said I needed time and he said he'd wait."

"I get it but why do you need the time?" she asked.

"I need to make sure he won't break my heart if I'm gonna tell him how I really feel."

"So you do know how you feel!" You bit your lip and nodded. "I say life is short. You'll never know until you try," Kira got up, opening the door. "Don't worry. If he ever tries hurting you I'll set him straight." You sat outside alone and thought about it before heading back in.

"Aunt Y/N come build legos with us!" one of the kids called. You walked over and saw Kuroo and his nieces and nephews sitting on the living room floor building a large plane.

"Sorry, I'm not very good at these things," you apologized before Kuroo dragged you down.

"At least give me company," he whispered in your ear, making the hairs on your arm stand up.


By the end of the day you were exhausted. You'd spent all day playing legos and dolls and cars. You were laying in bed staring at the ceiling when Kuroo walked in.

"Y/N you look like a mess."

"You don't look any better," you rolled your eyes. "Those kids are exhausting."

"Only because they like you so much. I just put them to bed and they're still asking for you," he got under the covers and turned to face you, keeping his distance. You were silent for a while.

"Kuroo," you whispered. "I'm a little cold."

"Let me get you another blanket," he started sitting up when you grabbed his wrist.

"Not that," you lightly tugged his arm.

"Oh. You don't mean?" his face lit up when you nodded. He got back under the covers, bringing you close to him. He then wrapped his arms around you and rested his chin on the top of your head. "I know you're tired but I have good news," he said a few minutes later.

"Which is?"

"Your ex was arrested. He won't ever bother you again." You froze before pulling away.

"How am I ever going to thank you?" you smiled.

"That smile is thanks enough," he rubbed your cheek. "But other than that I wouldn't mind if you sped up the whole 'I need time' thing."

"I think I can do that," you gave him a kiss on the cheek before burying your face in his chest. "Good night, Kuroo."

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