Chapter 3

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"Wake up, Y/N. We're here," Kuroo said, tapping your shoulder. You were half-asleep and couldn't muster the words to speak. "That tired, huh," he came around to your side of the car and picked you up. He carried you up to the guest room and laid you down. You saw him walk out the room and back in a few minutes later.

"Clothes," he ordered, laying his arms out.

"What?!" you shrieked.

"I said give me your clothes."

"Kuroo! I don't have anything to change into."

"Yeah you do," he handed you boxers and a large t-shirt.

"I am not wearing that," you glared.

"Why not? Beats the work clothes." As usual, he had a point.

"Fine. No peeking," you sighed, quickly changing. You got under the covers and told him to turn around.

"Aw," he groaned. "I wanted to see how silly you'd look."

"Very funny," you buried your face in the pillow.

"I'm sorry for teasing. Good night, Y/N. If you need anything, I'm here," he rubbed your shoulder and closed the door behind him.

You woke up two hours later in the middle of the night, hungry. You decided to sneak into the kitchen, there had to be snacks there. You tried to find your way around the large poorly-lit house, finally finding an island. You struggled to find the light switch.

"Move your hand up a bit more," someone said.

"K-kuroo?" you gasped, finding the switch.

"You know," he said, ignoring your question and taking his glasses off. "I told you I'm here if you needed anything. You could've just asked." He was sitting on the island stool working.

"I'm sorry," you rubbed your head as he walked over to you.

"Leftovers?" he asked, putting the Chinese food in the microwave. You nodded, sitting in the empty seat next to his.

"Why are you working so late?"

"Excused work doesn't just vanish. Someone's gotta do it."

"Seriously?" you slid his computer towards you. "You shouldn't do this, you look tired," you said as he slid your food across the counter. "I could do it in the morning."

"It's fine. I'm waiting to put your clothes in the dryer anyways."

"I can do that," you offered. You felt terrible. He was doing everything for you. Weren't you supposed to be the one doing things for him? After all, he was your boss, not the other way around.

"Hey, don't worry about the little things," he wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your head. He was warm so you didn't oblige. "Tell me more about him. The stalker," he changed the subject.

"I just got a new place out of college. I don't know how he found it. This is the third time I've changed my number, too. He finds it every time."

"Why'd you two cut things off?"

"He cheated..." you whispered.

"What an ass," Kuroo slammed his fist down next to your hand. You jolted back, hitting his chest. "So he messed it up and now he's stalking you trying to win you back?" You nodded.

"Have you ever stood your ground with him?"

"I'm too scared," you mumbled. "He's never hurt me but sometimes he gets really mad. H-he's a tall guy too, I can't fight back."

"Well, you have me now," he rubbed your hand. "And I have a master plan, too."

"Which is?"

"We're going on a date tomorrow night."

You turned around and punched his shoulder. "I'm serious," you groaned.

"So am I. We're going on a date."

"Absolutely not."

"Listen. When he sees you happy with a tall, handsome man like me he'll know he doesn't stand a chance anymore. Plus, if he follows you around everywhere I can talk to him and set things straight." You thought about it. "At the end of the day it's a free meal paid for by your boss who you totally have a crush on," he continued.

"I do not!"

"You're in denial. If you really didn't like me you wouldn't let me do this," he said, kissing your jawline. You wanted to stop him but you couldn't. Deep down he was right.

"Fine," you lightly pushed him away, standing up. "Your idea better work."

"I'll make it work," he gave you a thumbs up. "Oh, and Y/N?" he said as you walked away.


"Go with Kyoka and buy yourself something nice for tomorrow," he threw you a credit card. "You look like an idiot right now."

"You do know these are your clothes!" you rolled your eyes. Kuroo was back to teasing like he usually did. It made you happy—you didn't want to burden him anymore.

"One more thing!" he called as you started walking up the stairs. "I like the color red."

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