Chapter 23

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You woke up the next Saturday morning to a phone call from Oikawa.

"Good morning Y/N!" he chirped. "Wanna ride with me and Anaka to the wedding? We're passing by and can get breakfast on the way."

"One second," you muted the phone. "You heard him. What do you say?" you asked Kuroo as he nuzzled his face in your neck.

"Five more minutes," he whispered with a patchy morning voice.

"That's not what I asked," you tried sitting up but he pulled you down. "Oikawa was asking if we wanted to ride with him to the wedding."

"Give me that," he reached over and grabbed your phone, unmuting it. "You're driving?" he asked Oikawa.

"Yeah. I'll come by in half an hour."

"Later then that," Kuroo groaned.

"45 minutes?"


"Any later and you'll late to your own sister's wedding."

"Fine! Pick us up in an hour," Kuroo hung up, irritated. "I hate morning people," he muttered to himself.

"He's just being nice," you turned to face him. "Don't we have to pack?"

"I did it all yesterday. Let's just stay like this as long as we can," he pulled you in and rested his chin on your head. Mornings like this before getting out of bed were his and your favorite.

You reached the wedding venue a few hours later, situated in a large valley filled with flowers between snow-capped mountains. To one side was a red farmhouse where the ceremony would be held, to the other a large inn with cars lining up in front.

"I think you passed it," you told Oikawa as he veered off the road behind the inn.

"He didn't," Kuroo pointed outside. "Family stays there, he's just dropping us off."

You looked to where Kuroo pointed and saw a large lodge behind a pond. Kids were playing outside and adults could be seen inside—you recognized almost all of them as Kuroo's sisters and their families.

"We'll see you guys later," Oikawa waved, getting your bags out the back. You stood in front of the house as Kuroo past you.

"C'mon," he looked back. "My parents aren't here yet. I know you're avoiding them."

"How did you—"

"Let's go inside, it's getting cold," he wrapped an arm around you. "Everyone wants to see you again."

You spent the rest of the day hanging out with Kuroo's family and playing with his nieces and nephews.

You got along with everyone well but were exhausted by midday. You were laying in your room resting on Kuroo's chest when one of his nephews rushed in.

"Uncle! I'm sorry. She just arrived and she already wants to see you," he gasped seeing you asleep. "Crap. Sorry for being so loud, I didn't know Y/N was sleeping."

"It's okay Zen. She sleeps through anything," Kuroo replied as an an older woman walked in the room, shutting the door behind her.

"Uh, I'm gonna go now," Zen nervously rubbed his head, trying to slip away.

"You're staying," the lady grabbed his arm. "Stand there and see what happens when you disobey your elders," she said, turning to Kuroo. Kuroo remained unfazed and continued to scroll through his phone. The lady snatched it from his hands, slapping his face.

"Tch," Kuroo muttered.

"You aren't going to greet me? Everyone else has."

"I'm busy," he groaned.

"That's no way to treat your mother."


"Does it make a difference? I see you're still with this girl," she eyed you who was fast asleep. "You ought to get serious about marriage. You're what, 27?"

"I am. I wouldn't be with Y/N for this long if I wasn't."

"Not this girl. From what I've heard she has nothing to offer you. If anything, you're doing too much for her. It should be the other way around."

"Nothing to offer? You haven't even talked to her yet."

"Forget that—you keep inviting her to our family functions. Have you even met her own family yet?"

"She doesn't have any."

"How shameful. Seriously dear, what do you see in her? She looks sickly. She's not at all who I imagined you'd be with," she said, trying to provoke him. It wouldn't work on someone like Kuroo though who knew provocation all too well.

"I'd pay a visit to the mirror before you talk about others looking sickly," he chuckled. Zen tried to hold his laugh in from the other side of the room.

"You filth!" his mother stormed out the room, throwing Kuroo's phone in his lap.

"Well, you saw what happens when you disobey elders," Kuroo mocked his mother.

"I don't know what she's so stuck up about. We all like Y/N. She does look a little tired sometimes though. Kinda like her mind's busy worrying about something else."

"She was in an accident two years ago. She recently got off the meds for that so she doesn't feel too good sometimes. She sleeps through the pain—there's not much I can do, I just try to be there for her as much as I can."

"That's why grandma thinks you're doing too much for her?" Zen asked.

"I guess, but that's the thing with relationships. You're always there for one another when they need you, no matter how hard it gets. You don't want to see the person you love hurting."

"Maybe that's why my Mom left my Dad. He wasn't there for us enough. I hope my stepdad's different."

"Come here," Kuroo patted the sheet beside him. Zen sat down and Kuroo wrapped an arm around him. "He's a good guy. The guy your mom's marrying. I don't know him too well but Kira says he really loves your mom. You know she's never wrong."

"I hope so," Zen muttered. The two of them were quiet for a bit before Zen peered over Kuroo's shoulder to make sure you were asleep and spoke again. "You think you'll marry her one day?" he whispered.

"If she lets me," he rubbed your hand.

"What'll you do about grandma? Your stepmom, I mean."

"She'll come around. It's not like there's anything wrong with Y/N."

"You're right. Oh, I almost forgot. The whole family's having dinner soon, we should probably head downstairs. Is Y/N gonna be up?"

"I'll wake her up. You get going," he told his nephew. Zen walked out and closed the door as Kuroo gave you a kiss on the forehead. "I'm sorry about her. I'm just glad you didn't hear any of that," he sighed before waking you up.

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