Chapter 34

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When you walked back to your hospital bed you noticed Kuroo's puffy eyes. You passed him and sat on the bed as Oikawa walked over to you.

"Look Y/N it's no big deal," he tried comforting you. "It might be hard to get pregnant again but it's not impossible. You know how many times Anaka got pregnant? Twice. We didn't want them but we could have kept them for you if we knew this would happen."

You laid a harsh slap on his cheek at his horrible attempt at a joke. No one in the room flinched, even Oikawa. Everyone knew how bad it sounded. He deserved it.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. It was a bad joke," he apologized and sat back down.

"Could I go for a walk?" you asked the doctor. He told you you could do a few laps around but had to stay on this floor, so you headed outside. Kuroo followed you, finding you looking in the nursery.

You had your hand up against the glass, looking inside at the happy and healthy babies. Kuroo stood behind you and placed his hand over yours, resting his chin on the top of your head and watching with you. You turned around and buried your face in his chest.

"I think I'm gonna cry now, okay?" you told him.

"Okay," he patted your back, holding back his own tears himself. "That's perfectly fine." He held you like that for a few minutes before you heard noises. You saw another couple walking out holding a baby from the nursery.

"Is your baby in there?" one of them asked. You and Kuroo shook your heads. "Want to hold her?" the woman continued on, walking towards you. You looked up at Kuroo, nervous. He squeezed your arm, telling you it would be okay as you took the baby girl in your arms.

She immediately started crying. You tried shaking and telling her to stop crying but she wouldn't stop. You felt a tear fall as you held the crying baby in your arms.

Kuroo took her from you, holding her straight and bringing her to his cheek. She stopped crying. Kuroo had something to calm her that you didn't.

"They'd make good parents, wouldn't they?" Anaka told Oikawa as they watched from the end of the hall.

"The best. Kuroo's wanted this ever since he started working, Y/N seems to be on the same page as well. I really hope they don't give up."

"Yeah, me too," Kira joined in, watching you and Kuroo by the nursery. "Me too."

Later that day you were packing your stuff, preparing to go home. Kuroo stepped outside for a moment to make a phone call.

"Zen? Yeah, it's me. Listen could you take down those decorations I asked you to put up?You can take the cake home for yourself and mom and dad," Kuroo spoke quietly.

"Oh, is Y/N's due date later? No worries I'll take the decorations down and hide the cake in the outside fridge. It'll be good for at least two weeks," Zen replied.

"That's not it. Could you just please take everything down? And close the door to the nursery. We'll be home in half an hour. Thanks, buddy." He hung up and carried your bag in his hand, taking you home.

You walked straight to your room, seeing the nursery closed at the end of the hall. Kuroo took off his shirt and crumpled it in a ball, walking downstairs after setting your stuff down.

"What are you doing?" you followed him downstairs, finding him in the kitchen in front of the trash bin.

"I figured we didn't need this anymore." He held up the World's #1 Dad t-shirt.

"Why not keep it?" you muttered. "Maybe we'll need it later." He looked at you, confused before he realized.

"You want to try again?" he closed the trash bin.

"With you, of course," you walked over to him, bringing him in for a kiss.

"Why?" he asked. Your outlook was completely different than in the morning.

"When I held that baby earlier, outside the nursery, she was crying," you laughed quietly. "She was crying like all babies cry. She'll talk one day, recognize her mom and dad. I want that for us. I'm not giving up on it."

"Seriously?" You nodded. "Hell yeah Y/N! Let's have our family."

"But maybe in a few years. I want to enjoy my time with you, and only you, for a bit."

It would be years before you had your first kid, a baby girl. After you had two boys and a youngest girl. You also got a cat, then a dog too once the kids insisted on one. Eventually you and Kuroo did have the family you wanted, filling his large house with laughter and cries, but for now there were other things to worry about.

"So what are you doing for your anniversary?" Oikawa asked. It was three years since you married Kuroo.

"I don't want to get him something material. There's nothing he wants that he doesn't already have. I really don't know what to do," you replied, lost.

"You know what's not material?"



"You mean like a vacation? He always plans those, I don't really know how."

"Doesn't mean you can't do it yourself. Why not a cruise? They're easy to book."

"I hate the beach," you groaned. "I can't believe I got married on one."

"How about Alaska? Wanna go with us? We're going in the summer," Oikawa got all excited.

"That kinda sounds like something old people would do."

"But we're not old, so let's do something while we're young!" Oikawa pulled out his phone, showing you his plans. "Look. We can go sledding with these cute dogs. Why not?"

The more you thought about it the more you realized it wasn't a bad idea. It was time for you to show some initiative in your relationship.

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