Chapter 5

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"So, Y/N. Did he finally make a move on you or what?" Oikawa asked, laying back down on the couch.

"We're going on a date tonight," you leaned back in Kuroo's chair.

"I knew it! There's been something different about him ever since he met you."


"He doesn't flirt around anymore. It's weird." Now that you thought of it, Oikawa was right. You weren't the only girl on the floor but you were the only one he bothered so much. You two were silent as you stared at the photo frames on Kuroo's desk.

"Looking at the pictures?" Oikawa asked, eyes closed.


"Leftmost is his sister. She's getting remarried in a few months. Ugly guy, she could for sure do better. One in front was his dog, Buddy. We found him by the edge of a river when we were in middle school. My parents told me to get that thing out of the house but Kuroo's mom was real nice. She let us keep him, but the dog died years ago. One in the back middle was his mom. She passed away a few years ago to cancer but Kuroo was always a mother's boy. The one to the right is his dad and stepmom with his siblings and step-siblings. Kuroo was so stubborn that day he faked a cold so he didn't have to take pictures with his new family. And the last one on the bottom right is him with his nephews and nieces. He's the youngest sibling so naturally he has a bunch. He loves them a lot. I think he wants to start a family of his own soon."

"How did you know?" you asked, surprised Oikawa had it all memorized like a skit.

"I'm his best friend. I set this whole place up for him. You wouldn't believe how ugly it was before I decorated."

You thought about what Oikawa told you. There was so much more to Kuroo than you knew. You couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if your date tonight was real. Even if you did have feelings you weren't ready for anything with him—you barely knew anything about him. Plus he's your boss, for gods sake. Why were you catching feelings?

"Did I say something I shouldn't have?" Oikawa asked, looked at your dazed expression.

"Oh, no. You're fine."

"Good. We'd better get going now," he said, checking his watch.

Your first budget meeting went by smoothly. Kuroo taught you everything you needed to know and you were confident enough to speak in front of everyone. But the entire time you were spaced out. You watched Kuroo speak but didn't listen to a thing he said.

"Y/N? Y/N?" Kyoka pushed your shoulder. "Meeting's over." You snapped back to reality. "You can't afford to sleep through these! They're really important."

"Crap," you ran a hand through your hair, following Kyoka out. Kuroo was busy talking with others but made eye contact with you as you walked out of the room. He could tell something was off.

"Kyoka?" you asked as you closed the door to the room. "You're free for lunch, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I need your help going dress shopping for my date tonight."

"DATE?! Tonight?!" she whispered loudly as she pushed you into the women's bathroom. "Is it with who I think it is?"

"Who do you th—"

"Don't play dumb, Y/N. I'll go with you, but something feels off." You checked the stalls to see if anyone was there. When you saw they were empty, you told your friend everything. "Seriously? So you two didn't do anything last night?" she said with narrow eyes. You shook your head, leaving the little kiss out. "I gotta hand it to him though, it's a pretty good plan."

"I hope it works."

"If it does, what's gonna happen after?" Kyoka asked. "I can't figure out how you feel about him. I don't think you can either, to be honest."

You sighed. "Today I realized I know nothing about him. I can't figure out how I feel until I do. I just don't know how he can claim to like me when he knows nothing about me either."

"If I give you the answer to that you're gonna roll your eyes," Kyoka laughed.

"What's the answer?" you asked, genuinely curious.

"For him, it was love at first sight."

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