Chapter 16

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"Oh my god, what happened?" Kira asked as she opened the passenger door and saw you laying there passed out.

"Just help her, please," Kuroo pleaded and picked you up.

"Poor girl can't catch a break," Kira sighed as she started walking back to the hospital. "Follow me."

You found yourself sleeping in a hospital bed a few hours later while Kuroo and his sister watched you from the doorway.

"She seems fine, but she's drugged up right now," Kira said quietly. "She'll be in a lot of pain when you take her home and the drugs wear off. Are you sure you can take care of her?"

"I promised I'd be there for her. She doesn't have anyone else."

"You'd better keep your word. I'm off now," Kira walked away. "Happy New Year to you guys."

"Wait!" he called, remembering to ask something.

"What is it?"

"Can I take her outside to see the fireworks or something? That room's kinda a bummer."

"She's not suppos—"

"I know she's not supposed to but this is your ward, right? Just tell the nurses to mind their own business or something."

"You're always such a pain," she shook her head and told a nurse nearby something. "There. They'll let you go out for a bit but don't you dare cause Y/N or my nurses any trouble."

"I'll be good, don't worry," he walked into your room and quietly closed the door.

He paused noticing how beat up you look. You had gauze wrapped around your head, a broken collarbone and cast, and bruises covering your face and wrists.

Whoever did this was going to pay, but right now Kuroo was just worried about you. He pulled a chair over and sat down, grabbing your hand and resting his head on the side of the bed.

"This bad?" Oikawa entered your hospital room an hour later with food in his hands. Kuroo looked up and shook his head.

"She's not waking up."

"Give it time," Oikawa sat down across the room. "She must be exhausted. Do you know what happened?"

"I don't want to ask her. The police are getting her statement when she wakes up," he replied.

He didn't have to ask to know why you'd been targeted though. Now more than ever, he felt like showing you your witness protection case file, telling you he knew all this time and that he was there for you.

But with him you seemed so happy, so worry-free. He didn't want to bring this upon your relationship and worry you more.

He paused his thoughts feeling your hand twitch and a light on the machine flicker. He let go seeing a nurse running in, removing your oxygen mask as you coughed and woke up.

"There you go, she's back," the nurse smiled, raising you up. "I'm your nurse, Anaka. The doctor will come and check up on you soon but if you need anything just push this button."

She walked to the foot of your bed and wrote on a clipboard as Oikawa stared at her.

You looked to your side and saw Kuroo, showing him the palm of your hand. He grabbed it and leaned in, giving you a harsh hug which caused you to whimper in pain.

"I'm sorry Y/N," he pulled back, hovering his lips over yours. "I'm so so sorry. I'll never let anything happen to you again, I mean it this time."

He placed his hand behind your head and gave you a faint kiss so as to not hurt your bruised lip.

"You're here now. That's all I could ever ask for," you placed a hand on his cheek. "What smells so good?" you suddenly got sidetracked, realizing you hadn't eaten since breakfast.

"I brought food for you!" Oikawa walked towards you with a takeout bag before Anaka snatched it from him.

"Sorry. She can't eat anything for a day." Oikawa glared at her.

"Oh," you sighed. "Guess you guys can share that then."

"How are you feeling?" Oikawa asked, quickly forgetting his failed food attempt.

"I've had better days," you coughed. Anaka brought you a cup of water. "Aren't you supposed to be celebrating? You should go out and have fun," you told him.

"I will in a bit. I just wanted to make sure you're okay. Kuroo was really worried you know." Kuroo looked away, hiding his blush. "By the way, you're in big trouble when you get back. Bosses weren't too happy," Oikawa told him.

"What did he do?" you asked.

"Threw a hissy fit in the middle of our meeting and stormed out to get you."

You smiled, running your fingers through Kuroo's hair. You admired the gesture but also thought it was incredibly stupid of him at the same time.

The three of you continued to talk for a while. Oikawa left a little before midnight leaving you and Kuroo alone.

"What do you say we go outside? If you're up for it, of course," he asked. "I'd hate to ring in the New Year in this stuffy room."

"Sure, but I don't have a change of clothes," you scratched your head. You couldn't go out in your hospital gown.

"Don't worry, Kira left me this," he pulled out a duffel bag. "She said she keeps this for emergencies in her locker. You can wear this," he pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

"Alright," you slowly got up, walking to the bathroom to change. You were in there for a while before Kuroo came to check up on you.

"You okay?" he asked. He opened the door himself when you didn't answer.

He found you looking in the mirror holding the shirt in your hands with your sweatpants on. "What's wrong?"  You turned around and buried your face in his chest.

"I-I can't wear this," you mumbled softly.

"Why not?" he asked before seeing why. He felt stupid for not realizing you couldn't wear that in your condition.

"Oh no. Wait here for me," he ran out the bathroom and came back with a button up shirt. "Can I?"

You nodded as he removed your gown and slowly put the shirt on, careful not to hurt your collarbone. "There. That wasn't so bad, was it?" he smiled, trying to get you to do the same.

It didn't work though. You wanted to escape your past, but it kept catching up to you.

You were now a mess, unable to even put a shirt on by yourself. Your injuries reminded you of the past, and you felt disgusted by your bruises and broken bones.

"Wanna talk about what happened?" he asked, rubbing your back as you gripped his arm.

You shook your head—you couldn't tell him. He waited a few minutes before speaking again.

"That's okay. Let's think about something else, yeah? Let's go outside," he took his coat jacket off, wrapping it around you. You slowly took his hand, intertwining his fingers with yours as you both headed outside.

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