Chapter 31

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Instead of finding a new place, you decided to move back in with Kuroo after the engagement.

Today was an important day. You two had to finalize wedding plans and you'd also been expecting a report from the Witness Protection program any day now.

"Are you expecting something?" Kuroo asked as you walked back in from checking the mailbox, empty handed.

"Something from the government."

This was the only sensitive subject left between the two of you.

"It's barely noon, give them some time," he replied, bringing over your wedding planning binder.

It was filled to the brim with papers and samples. You knew Kuroo would be more into wedding planning than you, but you didn't expect he'd be so particular—after all, he was usually the easygoing one.

"We need to decide the place cards for dinner," he stood behind you, resting his chin on your head and overlapping his hands with yours.

"I really don't care Kuroo. As long as I'm getting married to you, make the wedding whatever you want."

You don't know how many times you'd told him this but he just wouldn't give up.


You interrupted him with a kiss on the lips.

"Whatever you like. I'm going to shower," you smiled, walking away.

"Wait!" he called after you. "You don't have to plan anything, but can you at least give me company?"

"Of course. I'm gonna work in bed after. It's too cold over here."

Kuroo joined you in bed later, holding his binder and a manilla envelope that had been delivered minutes ago.

"This what you were looking for?" he handed the envelope to you. You nodded, opening it up and reading the file. Kuroo cuddled up against your chest, reading along with you.

The file explained all the intricacies of your situation. It was nothing you didn't already know, but something about getting the final report provided a sense of closure.

The file detailed how you were placed under Witness Protection in the first place and who you really were.

Your father was an important Japanese ambassador, your mother the daughter of a successful businessman. You'd grown up in international schools around the world but always felt a connection to your home country, Japan, which is why you chose to go to college there.

Everything was sunny for you: you were set to graduate in a few days, already had a job lined up with a prestigious company, and were expecting a visit from your parents soon.

The next day you received a knock on the door from government officers. Your parents had died in a car crash somewhere in Europe. Though you never had much quality time with them, their loss still affected you greatly. The guiding figures in your life had disappeared, after all.

To make matters worse, further investigations into the crash made it clear the incident was murder, not an accident. You thought you had a clear idea of the culprit—high profile parents like yours didn't come without enemies.

After doing some research and digging through files, your suspicions were confirmed.

Unfortunately, it was a trap. The criminal group who killed your parents found out you had accessed their information and immediately took action.

The next day the threat appeared right at your doorstep. Pictures of your dead parents along with each of their ring fingers—wedding rings still on—packaged in a box.

In it was a picture of you and your boyfriend the day before walking out of your apartment with a bullseye on your face.

Keep your mouth shut or it's you next, it read.

Your boyfriend left you after that night, but you couldn't even blame him.

Maybe things would have been different if you'd kept your mouth shut, but you could never get yourself to do that. Your parents would have wanted you to fight for them, for family. They were the only family you had.

From there you went to the government office to meet your father's friends and colleagues. After telling them everything, it was decided you would be placed into Witness Protection as your testimony was the only way to convict the culprits, someone the government had their eyes on for a while as well.

You were given a new identity, appearance, and life story to protect you. You were stubborn so you got away with being able to continue your job you already had an offer for.

Your handlers were worried though. As a newbie and scut of the company, your new job entailed almost 10 hours of work a day. On top of that, walking to and from your apartment posed many risks.

So, a plan was put in place to have someone work undercover to protect you. Someone who would be around you at work, have authority over you, and be able to get close to you.

The government didn't even have to train anyone for the job. Kuroo's father, one of the heads of the company you two worked for, was the first to be informed of the situation. It wasn't long before Kuroo got nosy and offered to do the job himself.

"I'm bored," he told his father. "You know I don't work cause I have to. She's a cute girl and she's in trouble so I might as well help her out."

And that was the way the plan was set. No one told you. It was Kuroo's job to keep an eye on you and get close enough, romantically or not, to protect you outside of the workplace too.

The problem was, he was too good at what he did. He was too smooth to where you never even suspected anything until the moment it hit you.

Your relationship had been set up. The one person you found escape in had been the one who knew your past the most all along.

You couldn't continue on with him, it hurt too much even to look him in the eye. At first, you completely ignored his apology.

Your relationship had started off as part of a plan, how were you supposed to believe the rest of it wasn't either?

But over time while you were broken up you realized maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe, just maybe, he was truly in love with you. As good of an actor as he was, no one could keep up that act for so long unless what they felt was real.

"So you did believe in me in the end. I really do love you," he kissed your cheek and put the papers back in the manilla envelope, tossing it on the nightstand. You kissed him back, putting your computer down and climbing on top of him.

"Don't we have to do wedding planning?" he asked, trailing his fingers across your collarbone.

"I'd rather do this," you looked him in the eye, burying your hands in his hair.

"Well, I can't argue there," he gave a sly smile before flipping you over and kissing down your neck.

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