Chapter 19

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You woke up a few hours later to an empty room. The TV played quietly in the corner as you sat up, feeling your forehead. You felt much better but you were extremely hungry now. You were about to press the nurse button when Kira walked in.

"Awesome! You're up now!" she smiled, picking up your chart. "How do you feel?"

"Oh, K-kira," you stuttered. "I didn't expect you. Wait, are you my doctor?"

"No, I'm actually supposed to be on leave," she took your temperature. "But I know how to read a chart and was worried so I thought I'd stop by."

"On leave? Are you going somewhere?"

"The whole family's going to Hawaii. Our parents have a place there," she unhooked your IV. "Kuroo's filling forms for you outside. You can go home with him now."

"He's not going with you guys?"

"No. He wants to take care of you."

"He doesn't have to do that," you pleaded. "I can rest at home. He should spend time with family."

"As a doctor I'm telling you, you need someone to help you recover. I've already told my brother everything he needs to know."

"But Hawaii—"

"No buts. Our family gets together all the time, Kuroo can come next time. It's not about Hawaii, it's about spending time with people we love. Kuroo's doing that here with you."

"Are you sure it's okay? I could stay with someone else." You sighed, rubbing your head.

"Who is that someone else?" she handed you your chart, pointing to the empty emergency contact list. You thought about it for a moment. There really was no one else.

"It's really okay?" you asked one last time.

"Yes," Kira laughed, opening the door. "Go now. He's waiting for you."

You looked out the door and saw an anxious Kuroo sitting down in the waiting area, tapping his foot and fidgeting with his hands. He looked up as you walked over, getting up and embracing you in a hug.

"Ow," you mumbled into his chest. "That hurts."

"Sorry," he smiled. "Let's get out of here now."

"Finally," you yawned, grabbing onto Kuroo's arm. You looked back as you entered the elevator and saw Kira waving at you. You mouthed a "thank you" before the doors closed.

"So where do you want to eat?" Kuroo asked as you climbed into his SUV.

"The closest drive thru. I'm starving," you rested your head on the side of the seat.

"Alright," he started his car. "Wait a second." He stopped, reaching for something in the back seat. "You're shivering, have this," he handed you a purple polka dot blanket, fluffing it out over you.

The blanket smelled like lavender with a hint of fresh car wash. He then placed his hand behind your seat and backed out, driving onto the main road.

"Kuroo," you held in a laugh. "I can't believe you keep something like this in your car. It even has polka dots."

"Hey!" he got defensive. "They're for my nieces and nephews. Don't worry, they're washed."

"Aw," you teased. "That's actually kinda cute."

Kuroo's blushed and went silent. You didn't directly compliment him that much, so it came as a surprise to him.

"Say, what happened to our bet? I didn't get to see Anaka before I left," you continued on.

"I guess you won," he struggled to admit. "He really did ask her out the first day."

"I knew it! It was so obvious. I can't believe I never got to say bye to her though. She was really nice."

"I don't think that's the last you'll see of her."


"She said yes. To his date."

"No way. How'd he manage to charm her?" you joked, looking out the window.

It was late at night, almost midnight. Kuroo pulled into a McDonald's drive thru and ordered some food, parking the car in a spot afterwards.

"Careful. It's been 24 hours but you never know. You might still feel a little sick," he said before handing you the bag.

"I better not," you groaned.

Half an hour later the two of you finished eating and Kuroo started the car again. You dozed off to the humming of the engine as he drove home.

He quietly opened the door when he got home, carrying you in careful not to wake you up.

"Every time you go through these doors I'm carrying you like this. You need a break," he muttered, taking you to his room.

He propped some pillows up and gently laid you down, pulling the covers over. He then collapsed next to you, resting his head on your chest.

"Goodnight, Y/N," he gave you a kiss on the cheek before falling asleep.

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