Chapter 37

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"Honey, we have decided to keep the wedding small.  Your dad doesn't want it ruined by reporters.  You are the only family I have.  We are going to make it for when your grandma can visit.  We want to do it as soon as possible."  Mom said as she sat my plate down in front of me.

"Mom, if that is what you guys want then it sounds perfect.  I know this will be your only one so do it how you want it."  I smiled at how excited she was.

"Of course, we want Ayden and your friends there."

"Sounds good to me."

"Good morning, ladies."  Dad said as he walked into the kitchen.  He placed a sweet kiss on mom's cheek.  "What are your plans for today?"

"Me and the girls are going to go to the lake for a while.  Then I think we are going to have a movie night at Aubree's after the guys get off work."  

"You girls would rather go to the lake instead of going shopping?"  Dad asked.

"Well, yeah.  I like shopping sometimes just not all the time.  I never turn down going to the lake."  I laughed.

"Huh."  Dad said.  We heard a horn honk outside.

"That's them."  I said grabbing my bag.  "Do you guys have any plans?"

"I might have something planned for your mom."  Dad smiled.

"Good.  You two are goals."  I said giving them a hug to leave.

"Hear that?  We are goals."  Dad smiled at mom causing her to giggle.


"The sun feels amazing."  Kaylee said as we sat down on the towels we spread over the sand.

"I can never get enough of this place."  I said laying back getting comfortable.  

"Hey, ladies."  Brayden said standing over us.

"Hey.  What have you been up to?"  Aubree asked.

"Not much.  Just came to enjoy the sun with some friends."  He said moving closer.  "Where are the guys?"  He asked looking around.

"They are at work.  We are having a girl's day."  Kaylee informed him.  Brayden sat in the sand beside me.

"Hey, I'll be right back. I'm going to go say hello to an old friend."  Kaylee said.

"I forgot the lotion in my car.  I'll be right back." Aubree said getting up before racing to her car.  Feeling Brayden's eyes on me, I sat up and put on my shirt.

"You cut your hair.  I like it."  Brayden noticed.

"Thanks.  I only had a couple inches taken off."  I replied.

"I hear you and Ayden are together." He said touching the promise ring on my hand.

"Yeah, we are."  I said as he grabbed the hand that my promise ring rested on. He studied the ring.  He rubbed his thumb over the ring.

"I hope you know what you're doing."  He huffed.

"I do." I said pulling my hand away.

"I think we would have been better; if you would have given me a chance."  He said staring down at the lake.  "I love you and I want to see you happy.  Even if it's with that asshole."  He said throwing a handful of sand.

"He's not an asshole to me."

"I thought for sure you would have dumped him when you caught Sarah in his room.  When pictures of them were being sent around, I wanted to call you and see if you needed to talk." He said still never looking at me.

"What pictures are you talking about?" I asked not buying into his story.

"The ones they took of them having sex the morning you caught them."  For the first time he looked me in the eyes.  "Let me guess, the group hid that from you, too."  He looked down shaking his head.

"I'm telling you right now, they wouldn't do that to me.  You must be talking about old pictures."

"I'm going to tell you something.  Ayden is dangerous, they all are. If you tell anyone what I'm about to tell you, it will put us both in danger.  You were a game to Ayden because I liked you.  This isn't the first time he has done this to me.  I tried warning you the last night we were all here as friends.  Making girls fall in love with him and ruining them is a game they all play around here.  That was his plan with you.  That is until he found out you are loaded. His father's business is in the red from all of his gambling debts."  He stopped and studied my face.

"I don't believe a damn word of what you just said."  I said through gritted teeth as my heart sunk into my stomach.

"Look.  I bet Aubree is on the phone watching our every move."  He whispered.  I looked and he was right.  "She's talking to Ayden.  He will be here in half an hour, tops. Mark my words.  You will see.  The next thing that is going to happen is they will beat me to a pulp...if I'm lucky.  I'm doing this because I do love you.  I would give my life for you. She's coming back.  Please keep this between us."  His voice was shaky.  An alarm was going off in my body. I decided to play along with him until I could decide.

"I'm so glad I found him. He's it for me.  He is my person."  I said pretending that was all we were talking about when Aubree sat back down on her towel.

"I'm so happy for you."  He gave me the best fake smile he could give.  "Well, I better get back to my friends.  It was good catching up.  I'll see you around, Aubree."  Brayden said before jogging to the other side of the beach.

"What did he have to say?"  Aubree asked.  Something was off about her.

"He warned me that Sarah and her friends are on their way here.  I guess she is seeing one of his friends."

"Is that all?"  She said laying back on the towel.

"Brayden said he thought I should know because of all the pictures she has been sending to everyone. Pictures of her and Ayden having sex.  Is that true?  Did you know about that?"  I asked studying her reaction.

"She what?  Is he for real?  Or is he trying to start shit?"  She said lifting her shades.

"Brayden said it's real.  He said she's lying, telling everyone that they are from the morning I caught them having sex."  Her mouth dropped open.  "Brayden thinks they are old pictures of them hooking up before I moved here.  Either way, I don't want to be here when she gets here. Can you take me home?"

"Sure, but Ayden called and said they got off early due to waiting on a permit.  They will be here in like ten minutes."  Aubree said, just as Brayden had warned.

"If you want to stay and wait on them, I can call an Uber.  It's not a problem."

"No, no.  I'll drive you.  I'll call and have them meet us at my house."  She said putting her phone between her shoulder and ear.  She motioned that she was going to get Kaylee.

I had everything picked up and sitting on the top of Aubree's car when they finally made it to the car.  I heard a car door slam to my left followed by that bitch Sarah's laugh.  My body was on fire.  I shook as I debated on talking to Ayden or beating the answers out of Sarah.

"We should go." Kaylee said pushing me into the open car door.  My phone sounded with a text. Checking, it was from Brayden. 

 Thank you for not ratting me out.  Be careful.

Looking up, I seen Aubree watching me in the mirror.

"Can you drop me by my house.  Mom needs my help with some wedding stuff."  I said pretending it was a text from my mom.  The car ride to my house was silent.

"We'll just wait for you here."  Aubree said leaving the car running.

"You guys can head on over, this could take a little bit.  I'll be over in an hour, maybe."  I said getting out of the car.  I shut the door before they could argue. I walked to the door as they pulled away. I clicked on Brayden's message to send a reply.

Send me the pictures

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