Chapter 9

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I can't believe Mom hasn't even gotten a boyfriend yet. This is unreal. I've been letting myself get comfortable. I know this could all change at a drop of a hat. Being on edge is causing me to miss out on a lot of things to. I decided to let my guard down halfway.  A LOT of things had changed.  Ayden was so hot and cold. I have been fighting my attraction to Ayden due to the fact that he has a girlfriend, until he showed me that Sarah was not his only friend. He acted super interested one minute then ignored me and hooked up with girls the next.  I had developed some sort of feelings for Brayden, but I'm not sure what those feelings mean.  Brayden was super sweet, and he never acted distant. School dismissed a couple of days ago for break.

"Makenzie!" I heard from downstairs.

"I'm up here!" I shouted knowing it was Aubree and Kaylee. Tonight, is the first party of the two-week break, and they were coming over so we could get ready together.

"Tonight, is going to be A-MAY-ZING" Kaylee said throwing some dresses on hangers onto my bed.

"I guess. Jesse may not get to come." Aubree sulked.

"When are you going to tell that boy how you feel?" Kaylee asked.

"When is Makenzie going to admit that she likes my brother?"  Aubree countered.

"I'm pretty sure it's obvious that I like your brother." I admitted rolling my eyes. "If admitting my feelings was the only thing stopping me from being with him, I totally would have already done that. But your brother is a man-whore, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. Brayden...I just don't know how I feel about him." 

"I totally get the not dating because you move around thing. Your mom has dated a long list of losers and it's ruined your view of things. I truly hope Jonah is my forever, but if it turns out he isn't, I will try again." Kaylee said as it was a matter of fact.

"Look at my point. If you tell Jesse how you feel, that isn't hurting anyone but yourself. If I let Ayden in... or Brayden and have to move again, that's hurting him, too. I'm terrified of getting hurt, and I sure as hell don't want to hurt him.  And then there is this little thing of both of them being a man whores."

"Ayden would be so hurt if we got together. I love my brother and am also terrified of hurting him." Aubree said.

"Girls, this is supposed to be a fun night. We will have a pity party night in a couple of days. Right now, let's get ready and prepare to have the night of our lives!" Kaylee said snapping out of our quickly approaching sour mood.

"He's going to make it tonight!" Aubree said checking her phone.

"Well, let's get ready!" I said happy for Aubree. Even though I hadn't decided what I was going to do about my love life, I was still worried I had messed up my chance with Ayden. I had been avoiding him for the past couple of weeks since our almost kiss at mini golf, and it seemed as though he didn't care.

"What are you wearing?" Kaylee asked looking up from her phone.

"Those ripped denim leggings and that crop top." I replied smiling.

"That's not going to work." She said opening my closet.

"What's wrong with what I picked out?" I asked feeling concerned.

"Jonah just texted me and said Ayden is bringing a girl to the party. You have to wear something to make him unable to keep his eyes off of you." She said going through my closet. My heart sank into my stomach. Aubree began helping her.  It was bad enough having to hear that he was hooking up with girls.  I sure as hell didn't want to see it firsthand.  

"Do you not have any sexy dresses or skirts?" Aubree asked not finding anything that suited the situation.

"You're looking at everything I own." I said not feeling like going anymore.

"These are all cute." Kaylee said going back through the rack.

"We don't want cute, we want 'you wish you had me' sexy." Aubree said getting Kaylee back on the task at hand.

Okay, Mr. Ayden. Now I see what you're up to. You almost had me fooled. I thought you were different, but now I see. I was right all along. I now know I was right about everything I thought about relationships. Him showing up with another girl just proves that love is a weakness. It's something programed in our bodies for procreation.

"Wait right here. I'll be right back!" I said actually getting excited.

I went to my mom's closet. She had a ton of dresses for what I needed. I was blessed physically by my mother, and we were the same size, except my chest was slightly bigger, and hips a little thicker. I couldn't decide which one to choose with them hanging up.

"Lady's, I need your opinion in here!" I shouted down the hall. They ran into my mom's bedroom. "I think I've found what you were looking for." I said opening the closet.

"Holy shit!" Kaylee said with her mouth hanging open.

"Wow!" Aubree smiled.

"What about this?" I asked picking up a long black sexy dress.

"Something shorter." Aubree said.

"May I?" Kaylee asked as if she we a child asking for candy at a store.

"Knock yourself out." I said motioning to the closet.

I decided on a black skintight bodycon spaghetti strap mini dress. The top hugged my breast causing them to pop out the top a little. I jumped around, twerked, shimmied, and shook. It passed the test. I felt hot, and no wardrobe malfunctions. Check and check.

Kaylee picked out a gold three quarter sleeve number. It came right above her knee, but the center of the front of the skirt vied up 5 inches. The top was a v neck, and there was belt you tied at the waist. She picked out gold chunky heels to match.

Aubree picked out a red strapless bodycon dress that both sides were completely cut out except for wide sparkly straps that held the whole dress together. The dress she picked shocked all three of us as it showed more skin than anything she's ever worn.

I walked into the hallway from my mom's room just as Aubree and Kaylee walked out of the rooms that they changed it. We all looked at each other with opened mouths.

"You guys look amazing!" We all three screamed at the same time, throwing us into a fit if giggles.

"I feel so...unstoppable. If Jesse doesn't make a move on me tonight, I'm moving on." Aubree said.

"You will be able to pick whoever you want in that dress." I quirked.

"If my brother lets you slip out of his fingers tonight, he will be picturing you in that dress for the rest of his life." Aubree giggled. I couldn't tell her that that was exactly what I was going for. I wanted him to want me so bad it hurt. Instead of riding off in the sunset, like they thought, I would walk away on some other random guy's arm showing him that two could play this game.

"I feel like we look too good to go to some stupid high school party. We should be going to a club." Kaylee smiled.

"What about shoes for us?" I pointed to me and Aubree using my thumb.

"These for you," she said handing Aubree gladiator heels that went up to her knee,"...and these for you." She handed me a pair of strappy heals that crisscrossed at the ankle.

Kaylee did our makeup. She did a sexy smoky eye on us. We pulled Aubree's hair in a slicked back bun. Mine was sexy beach waves. Kaylee pinned hers to the side with tight curls.

The party had already started an hour ago when we arrived. Kaylee said we needed a dramatic entrance, so we waited.

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