Chapter 28

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Ayden's POV

  As I lay here with my girl sleeping on my chest, I still can't believe she's mine.  She is the most amazing person I have ever met.  I knew the first day I met her, when her hair was caught in her door, that I was in trouble.  I tried staying away from her.  I would find myself looking for her everywhere without even realizing it.  When it was brought to my attention by my friends, I tried to make her not like me.  I was kind of a dick to her.  Then when Brayden tried moving in on her, I knew I wasn't going to be able to let that happen.  I don't like the way he drools over my girl like a dog, but I can't blame him.  

  I had to work my ass off to break down the wall she had built around herself.  Her mom kind of fucked her head up without even realizing it.  This is both our first relationship, so I know it's going to be a lot of work.  Makenzie is totally worth all of it.  She lights up the whole room when she walks into it.  She is so kind, until you piss her off.  Then she can become a wild cat, like when she punched Sarah last night. That was such a turn on in a fucked-up way.  I know I have to be careful with Mak, but I hope she can understand that this is my first real relationship, too, and I'm bound to fuck up.  I would never do anything to hurt her intentionally.

"What's wrong?"  Mak asks groggily.

"Nothing's wrong.  I just can't believe you're really mine is all."  I smile at her brushing hair from her face. 

"Well, believe it."  She smiled with her eyes closed.  How did I get so lucky?

"Breakfast is ready!"  Aubree said while beating on my closed door.

"We'll be down in a minute."  Mak said sitting up pulling the blanket with her.  She attempted to rub the sleep from her eyes. "I'm starving."  She yawned.

"Well, let's go get you fed."  I smiled sliding up my jeans knowing she's not a morning person when she has been up too late.

"What time is it?"  She asked stretching.

"Around eleven." I slipped on my shirt.

"What? Weren't your parents supposed to be here at ten?"  She said jumping up putting on her bra.  

"Yeah.  What's the problem?"  I asked holding back a laugh watching her as she tried to hurry and get dressed, while admiring her perfect body.

"This isn't the first impression I wanted to give your parents."  She hopped on one leg trying to put a leg into her panties.  She tripped and fell on the other side of the bed.  "Shit!"

"Are you alright?"  I asked walking over and helping her up.  The look on her face made me chuckle.

"Ayden, it's not funny.  They are going to see me as the slut sleeping with their son.  Not the girlfriend who is in love with him."  She said wide eyed and shaking her head.

"Babe, they are going to love you.  The fact that I spent all night with you is going to make them happy."

"They are used to you having girls over?"  She cocked her eyebrow at me. Shit, I should have chosen my words a little differently.

"I have had girls over, but they always left within a couple of hours after showing up.  Babe, you know I was no virgin before you got with me."  I tried explaining while rubbing the tension from my neck.

"I know that.  I wasn't either, but it is no fun doing the walk of shame in front of a guy's parents.  Mom's automatically think you are a whore for being with their baby boy, while dad's check you out and give their boy's a high-five."  She said while brushing her hair.

"How many guys have you spent all night with?"  Jealousy began to burn in my stomach.

"Does it really matter?  I'm with you now."  She said looking over at me with questioning eyes.

"I'm just curious."  I tried staying calm, placing my hands on my hips.

"Twice. You are my third and last."


"I can't believe you want to do this now.  Fine!  Once we didn't get to his house until the sun was coming up.  After sex, I was still too drunk and ended up falling asleep.  His mom came to wake him up and I got slut shamed. She made her son stand in the hallway with her and his father while I got dressed. When I walked out of the bedroom, they were all standing there.  The father checked me out and winked, high fiving his son, as the mom pointed to the front door.  Thank the universe we moved the next day.  The other guy we just made out because we were too drunk to do anything else.  I woke up to his dad sitting in a chair by the bed just staring at us, holding his bible.  I was never so happy to be fully dressed. I grabbed my shoes and left without a word. His mom was sitting at the kitchen table crying, and I think praying.  Are you happy now?"  She huffed crossing her arms.

"How many people have you been with?"  I don't know why I asked this.  She was beautiful inside and out and all the guys knew it. I knew she could have any guy she wanted, and I was lucky she picked me.  Why I couldn't I just let it go?

"How many people have you been with?  Wait, I don't want to know.  I don't want to walk through the halls at school and question if every girl I see has been intimate with my boyfriend. I promise, it's way less than you have been with."

"Well, if it's not that many then..." I paused.  I knew I was in the wrong, but I needed to know.  

"I am not doing this right now.  I'm a nervous wreck about meeting your parents and this is how you want to act?  Why is this an issue right now?  If you wanted to know because you were curious, I would have no problem telling you.  But you are not about to slut shame me."  She said crossing her arms.

"I just want to know.  If you feel I'm slut shaming you, maybe it's just your conscience scolding you."  I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth.

"I am going home before I lose my temper.  I don't want to be an asshole like you."  She walked out my door without slamming it even though she was pissed.  

I am an asshole.

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