Chapter 40

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"You dropped off all those clothes at Good Will and didn't let me look through them first?  Bitch, that is so much worse then what I did to you!"  Aubree joked throwing a fry.

"I guess we're even."  I shrugged. "I have a ton of clothing store cards I can take you shopping to make up for my mistake.  What are you going to do to make it up to me?"  I teased.

"You got me!  You are the better friend."  Aubree joked causing us to laugh.

"Hey!  I didn't do anything wrong.  What is my reward from both of you?"  Kaylee said joining in on the fun.

"I have to say this.  I hope things with my brother work out, but if they don't I still want us to stay the same."  Aubree said.

"I do too."  That was all I could truthfully say to my friend.


It had been almost a week and I still hadn't heard anything from Brayden.  It had been a whole week of hanging out with our group.  A whole week of me and Ayden watching and longing for each other from across the room.  I know it had to make everyone else in the group as uncomfortable as we were.  Enough was enough.  I needed to get answers and answers from Ayden would have to do. 

 I had decided that Brayden had said those things to me at the lake for no other reason than to drive a wedge in between me and Ayden.  And I let him.  I now felt that he knew about the pictures and made himself sound like the good guy so I wouldn't trust Ayden.  And it worked.  I felt like a complete idiot.  I needed to tell Ayden everything so we could decide if we could move forward in our relationship.  I know that's what I want. I just hope after he hears what I have to say, he forgives me for doubting him.

I was setting on the porch watching the sunset waiting on Ayden to arrive.  I was so nervous. I just wanted this to be over and things to be back to normal.  I missed Ayden more than I ever thought possible.

Ayden pulled up in front of my house.  He got out of his truck and walked up the sidewalk pulling at his shirt.  He stopped when he reached the steps as he noticed I was sitting on the porch.  He looked so tired, like he hadn't been sleeping.



It has been the longest week of my entire fucking life.  My beautiful girl has looked so sad every time I have seen her.  I was thankful that I got to see her at all.  That's a positive side of having the same best friends as your girlfriend.  My girl tried to act tough, like everything was fine.  I knew she was only pretending.  I knew every time her smile didn't reach her eyes, or every time she gave them that cute, but fake laugh.  It ripped my heart out knowing I did this to her.  I was given the most beautiful person, inside and out, and my selfishness broke her.  If I was ever lucky enough to get her back, I would never break her again.

I was laying on my bed staring at a picture I had taken of her when we were all hanging out.  She looked so happy.  She was laughing a real laugh.  It seemed like that was forever ago, before I broke her. While I was thinking of that night, a text message from my girl flashed across my screen.

Can you come over so we can talk?

I jumped out of bed and ran to the shower.  I showered and shaved in under six minutes.  I threw on some clothes and texted "On my way" As I slipped on my boots.  I sprayed on cologne as I headed out the door.  I jumped in my truck and flew to her house as fast as I could.  

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