Chapter 48

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"What the hell do you want?"  Ayden asked.

"This is something we should discuss alone."  Sarah pleaded with Ayden.  

My brain and my mouth were both froze.  I couldn't force either one of them to work.  The sound of my heartbeat echoed in my ears.  The voices of Ayden and Sarah sounded like they were miles away.  The shocked looks on my friend's faces were enough to make my stomach begin to churn.

"Whatever you have to say, you can say right here."  Ayden said as he moved to block my view of Sarah.

"I'm... I'm pregnant."  Sarah said as she rubbed the invisible bump where her flat stomach still was for now, holding a pregnancy test.

"Congratulations.  Why the fuck are you telling me?"  Ayden asked flatly.

"You're going to be a father."  Sarah explained as hurt was clear on her face. 

 Ayden's shoulders dropped.  After what seemed like eternity, he turned to face me.  His face was pale.  The fear in his eye's betrayed the words he spoke next.

"She's lying.  There is no possible way the baby is mine."  Ayden said looking at me. He looked as though he was ready to pass out.

My ears began to ring as time seemed to stand still.  Everything happened in slow motion.  I looked over at Aubree, the look on her face told me everything I needed to know.  She looked at me with sympathy, confirming what Sarah had said.  Aubree stepped to her brother.  I could see her mouth moving but could not hear what she was saying over the ringing in my ears.  Whatever she said to him, made him look at her.  He looked defeated.  Sarah walked up to him now, placing her hand on his shoulder.  He shook his head as she spoke.

As my legs felt like they were going to give out from underneath me, Kaylee and Jonah held me up by each of my arms.  I couldn't hear what Kaylee was saying but her mouth never stopped moving until they put me in the backseat of Jonah's car.  

The next thing I remember when I came to was Jonah, pulling onto my street.  I felt so tired.  I couldn't wait to get home and just sleep.

"Makenzie?  Mak, we are at your house."  Kaylee said, this time I could hear her.

"Thanks for the ride."  I said opening the door as soon as Jonah stopped the car.

"Wait.  Let us help you inside."  Jonah said, his sad eyes staring back at me through the rear-view mirror.

"No, I'm fine.  I'm going to go straight to bed.  All that dancing wore me out."  I said getting out of the car.

"I'm staying.  You don't need to be alone tonight."  Kaylee said opening her door.

"No.  You're not. I want to be left the fuck alone!"  I screamed losing it for a split-second making Jonah and Kaylee freeze.  "Thank you so much for the ride.  I better get to bed; I've got an early morning cleaning up the mess in the gym.  I'll call you tomorrow."  I said, this time I was back in control.  

Kaylee and Jonah sat in the car in my driveway until I was safely inside.  I shut and locked the door behind me before making my way upstairs.  I kicked off my shoes and untied my top.  I put on a tee shirt that reached the top of my thighs.  I shimmed out of my skirt and let down my hair before climbing into bed.  My eyes were heavy letting me know that sleep was fixing to claim me.

I opened my eyes to find Ayden sitting in the chair by my bed.  He looked completely defeated.  Before I could ask him, what was wrong, memories of after the dance flashed through my mind.  I gave him a hateful look before turning over in my bed.  The clock on the wall said it was one o'clock.  I knew it was evening by how much light was streaming through my curtains.  I didn't care.  I was still so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open. Closing my eyes, I welcomed more sleep.

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