Chapter 14

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"Who wants to play Volleyball?" Some redheaded girl asked.

"Come on! Let's play!" Aubree said taking Kaylee and I by the hand. I was so worried about a possible nip slip I didn't really want to play. I excused myself and tied my top extra tight, so tight it was hurting my ribs.

I ended up being on the team with Aubree and Kaylee. Sarah and the bitchfaces were on the other. Wait, when did they even get here?

"Let's aim for their faces." Kaylee said through clenched teeth, clearly not happy that they were here. Sarah and her minions weren't really even trying to win. They're only goal was to bounce around in front of the crowd of boys who gathered around to watch us. And of course, the Bitchettes were on the side with some of the girls that were actually on our school's volleyball team.

"Mine!" I hollered as I stopped a spike from hitting the ground. I set it up perfectly for Kaylee to spike it toward Sarah's face. Sarah squealed and ran out of the way, scoring us a point. Aubree served, her aim being a little off, she served it right to the captain of the volleyball team. She hit it with such force I had to dive in the sand to keep it from touching the ground. Aubree set it up for Kaylee who spiked it catching Sarah off guard. The ball smashed into Sarah's face leaving a satisfied grin on Kaylee's. The ball bounced off of Sarah's face hitting the net before hitting the ground.

"You fucking Bitch! I'll sue you!" Sarah cried clutching her face. She pulled her hands away so her redheaded bitchface friend, Haylee Hues, could check the damage. Haylee's eyes bugged in horror as Sarah looked at her hands to find them coated in the color crimson.

"You could have blocked that if you were paying attention!" The volleyball captain yelled, blaming Sarah for costing them the game.

"Argh!!" Sarah screamed stomping her foot. Both of her eyes turning black.

"Let's get you to the hospital and make sure your nose isn't broke." The dark-haired minion, Monica Smith, squealed.

"Get well soon!" Kaylee shouted after their retreating figures, earning another temper tantrum from Sarah.

"You guys should really consider joining our team. You have skills." The captain said shaking our hands.

"Thanks but diving in soft sand is a lot easier than diving on a hard floor." I politely turned her down.

"Let's go get a drink!" Aubree squealed.

"You guys go on ahead, I've got to go rinse some of this sand off of me."

"Want us to come?" Kaylee asked.

"I'll just be a second. I'll meet you by our camp." I said quickly. My top was full of sand, and I wanted a little privacy to clean up.

I sat neck deep in the water, with my back to everyone. I quickly untied my top and washed all of the sand away. After getting myself situated, I sat there letting my hands play at the surface of the water. Thoughts of being so close to Ayden kept replaying in my head. The sound of his voice humming in my ears. I knew he was an asshole, the type that my mother dated. The type that made me decide to never do relationships. I was mad at myself because Brayden should be the one in my thoughts. He was sexy, funny, caring, and he was the one who was actually nice to me.  Ayden was the sweetest most sexy man I had ever seen one minute, and totally be an asshole who mostly ignored me the next.  Deciding that that was more than enough time spent thinking about boys, I got up to go join my friends.

"Did you get all of the tit sand washed away?" The sound of his voice sent butterflies to my stomach.

"How long have you been standing here?" I said quickly turning to face him.

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