Chapter 43

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I woke to the sun burning bright.  My body was sore, but a good kind of sore.  As I stretched my stiff muscles it brought a smile to my face.  I could smell bacon and decided I would head downstairs to find Ayden.  I slipped on his tee shirt and padded my way downstairs.  The site before me took my breath away.  He was in his boxer briefs moving around the kitchen cooking breakfast.  The way the muscles in his back tightened as he moved was enough to weaken any woman's knees.  He whistled along with the song playing on his phone.  

I sat down on the steps and enjoyed the scene in front of me.  Another song started playing and he started moving his hips to the beat.  He brought the spatula to his mouth and started singing along with the words.  It turned my heart to mush seeing him so carefree.  The sound of his voice was pleasant to the ears.  He was actually a good singer.  He spun around on his heal dancing to the song and froze when he noticed me.  He quickly sat down the spatula, his face turning red.

"Good morning."  He said quickly turning back toward the stove.  "Are you hungry?"

"Yes, famished."  I said walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist.  I kissed him on the shoulder.  "You are going to have to teach me those moves."  I giggled.

"You saw that, huh?"  He chuckled.

"Is it weird that it was kind of a turn on?"  I said kissing his neck.

"A little, but I'll take it."  He laughed kissing my lips.  "Have a seat.  It's almost time to eat."

We ate breakfast and talked about our favorite things. I cleaned up the dishes and our clothes off the floor.  We went upstairs and made love, one last time before we had to leave.  One thing is for sure, I couldn't wait to marry this man.  If our time at his lake house was anything like what our life together was going to be like, I couldn't wait for it.

"Have you heard from anyone?"  I asked as he was locking up.

"Yeah, Aubree said they are just hanging out at the pool today."

"That sounds great.  I need to stop by my house and get different clothes."

"Whatever you want, baby.  I don't care what we do as long as I'm with you."  He said kissing my lips as we walked to his truck.


"Where did you two disappear to last night?"  Kaylee asked grinning.

"We spent the night at the lake house."  I said taking a sip of my pineapple juice.

"How was it? Feel free to leave out anything that consists of sex with my brother."  Aubree asked.

"Well, then all I can only tell you that it was the greatest night of my life.  It made me ready to get this year over with so we can start our life together."  I said unable to hide the smile on my face.

"Wow! He must have rocked your world."  Kaylee said.

"Over and over, and over again." I admitted teasing Aubree.

"Gross!  I'm happy for you, but can we talk about something else?  Anything else."  Aubree said sipping her lemonade as we watched the guys playing a basketball like game in the pool.

"Last night, at the party.  It looked like you and Jesse were having a pretty heated conversation.  Are you alright?"  I asked feeling bad that I forgot about it until just now.

"Yeah, every thing's fine.  I don't really want to talk about it yet."  She said looking distracted.

"Just know that we are here whenever you are ready."  Kaylee added.  She gave me a sad smile.

"Thanks.  For now, all I want to do is lay here and enjoy the sun."  Aubree said stretching out on the lounge chair.

"I guess nothing exciting happened at the party after we left?"  I asked.

"It was a blast for me.  Jonah said he had to carry me over his shoulder to his car.  Apparently, I didn't want to quit dancing."  Kaylee shrugged.

"We watched her dance her ass off all night."  Aubree said pointing at Kaylee as she scrolled through social media. 

"He won't even admit he fucked me.  We were together that morning when that bitch showed up and wanted him back. The piece of shit even screamed her name when he came..."  Sarah's voice blasted from Aubree's phone.  Aubree hurried up and swiped off of it.

"What was that?  Go back."  I deadpanned.

"It was nothing."  Aubree said.

"I know who that was.  Ayden, I think you may need to come and see this."  I hollered to Ayden across the pool.

"What's wrong, baby?"  Ayden said as he dried off with a towel.  Jesse and Jonah were right behind him.

"Play it."  I instructed Aubree.  She bugged her eyes at her brother wondering what to do.  He nodded his head, and she played the video.

"He won't even admit he fucked me.  We were together that morning when that bitch showed up and wanted him back. That piece of shit even screamed her name when he came!  He threw me to the curb like I was nothing.  He's a liar and a cheat, and that bitch is too stupid to believe anything anyone tells her!"  Sarah sobbed then the video cut off.

Ayden rubbed his hand through his hair.  He looked like he was going to get sick.  I wrapped my arms around myself as doubt crept up my spine.

"What the fuck is she talking about?"  Kaylee demanded.

"She pulled this last night, too.  I think there is something wrong with her."  Ayden answered.

"You can tell something is off.  That is a girl that believes her own lies.  I think we need to be careful around her.  She doesn't seem very stable." Aubree said as she gripped her brother's shoulder.

"Is there any way you can get that fucking video taken down?"  Ayden asked.

"It's been shared over a thousand times.  Reporting it probably won't be enough.  Someone needs to message the original poster and see if they will remove it.  Then it will remove every shared post."  Kaylee said.

"That may work.  But if anyone screen recorded it, they can post it and it will start all over again.  I think the best thing to do is let it blow over.  She doesn't say your name.  The bigger deal that is made out of it, the longer it will stick around."  Aubree added.

"Fuck!  I guess we will give it a few days and see how it goes.  Sarah needs mental help.  Maybe someone that sees it can make her get the help she needs."  Ayden said running his hand through his hair again.

I felt as I began to pull away from him again. I didn't want to, hell we just got back together. I remember how miserable I was the week we took a break. Could I just swallow everything that was playing against us? If I found out that he lied to me about that morning, I don't know that I would have the strength to leave him again like I should do. I would just hang on until I saw how it was all going to play out.

"Baby, are you alright?" Ayden asked with alarm in his voice. 

I couldn't trust myself not to break, so I just nodded my reply.  He wrapped his arms around me, and I buried my face in his chest as I fought off the tears that were threatening to spill.

"I promise she is lying." His voice cracking as he whispered in my ear. I kept my face hidden as I nodded again. He placed a kiss in my hair before laying his cheek against the top of my head.

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