Chapter 29

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I leaned against Ayden's bedroom door.  I was pissed off and a little hurt.  I knew it was a conversation we needed to have, but that was not the right time.  He knew how nervous I was about meeting his parents.  He didn't have to be so cold about it.  I was too nervous to tell him because the more he knows about me, the more I'm invested into this relationship.  I know this is how relationships are supposed to work.  It's still hard for me after having a wall up for so long.  It's always just been me and mom against the world.  These are my first real friends since I was eight years old, not to mention my first boyfriend that I swore I would never have.  I turned my whole life around to be with Ayden, I thought he would know to take it slow and be a little more considerate of my feelings.

"There you are.  Is Ayden about ready?  Breakfast is getting cold." Aubree asked.

"He's getting dressed.  Are your parents here?"

"Yes, mom cooked breakfast.  They are going to love you!"  She squealed.

"So, they already know I'm here?"  I choked.

"No, I left the honor of telling them to Ayden.  He would have been pissed if I stole his thunder."

"Can you sneak me out the back door?  I can't meet them like this.  I want to meet them like at dinner they invited me to or something respectful.  Not like this."

"They won't care.  They are going to love you."

"I care.  I've never done this before so I want to do it the right way.  This isn't what I want their first impression of me to be.  I'm not like the other girls Ayden has dated.  I want them to know that."  I explain.

"I get it. I got you, girl."  She said sneaking me to the door.  "Here's my keys."

"I called an Uber.  Tell Ayden I'll call him in a little bit.  Thank you so much for this."  I whispered before quietly closing the front door.

After sliding into the backseat of the Uber, I laid my head back on the headrest letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding.  My phone buzzed in my lap. It was a text from Ayden.

I was an asshole.  I'm sorry for acting that way.  Please come back. 

I knew I had already forgiven him, but I was still mad.  He was going to have to sweat it for a little while.  I sent a text back.

Yes, you were an asshole just like I called you.  I'm going home.  I need a minute... alone

I put my phone in my lap and watched out the window letting my insecurities get the best of me.  If how many people I had been with was such a good deal to him, did that mean his had been with more girls than he could count?  What number could I actually deal with?  Five?  Ten?  Fifty?  I don't need to know.  I would drive myself crazy with things like who was the best he'd ever been with.  I know it wouldn't be me, I have like zero experience.  Should I know who? To know who I need to watch out for?  Do all the others look at me and laugh knowing that I'll never be able to keep him happy since they all failed?  Do they make bets on how long I'll last?  Am I going to be the laughing stock of school when it starts back?   

"Um, miss?  I think we are here."  The driver said looking at me through the rearview mirror.  Shit, how long have we been sitting outside my house.

"Thank you."  I said before getting out.  I walked to the front door getting the key from our hiding spot under the welcome mat.  Typical, I know.

"It's been over a minute."  Ayden said scaring the shit out of me causing me to spin around and hit my back on the door.  The door flew open, throwing me to the floor.  Haven't I told you before that the universe hated me?

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