Chapter 32

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My relationship with Ayden has grown stronger since the morning I told him about Brayden.  Ayden has been so caring.  We have had a couple of disagreements and he communicated his feelings without saying hateful things. 

We have both came completely clean about our pasts. I do know that Ayden was about to hook up with Sarah the morning I went to his house to confess my undying love to him. He explained it was the first time he had got with anyone the two weeks I ghosted him. I honestly had no right to hold it against him because I gave him no reason to believe that we were getting back together. Honestly, I thought I'd hurt him too badly and allowed to much time to pass before changing my mind. It wasn't until that morning that I realized I might still have a chance and made the decision to reach out to him. It wasn't right to hold something against him that was just as much my fault.    

 Ayden and the boys have been working a lot the last week.   They have even been working nights, too. I'm trying not to be the needy girlfriend, but I miss Ayden.  He texts me late at night.  Sometimes I'm awake and we text until he falls asleep.  The girls have been complaining about not getting to see their guys. 

"What movie do you guys want to watch?"  I said picking up the remote.  

"I miss Jesse.  Do they really have to work seven days a week?"  Aubree whined.  

"Is it weird that we don't even know where the house they are redoing is?"  Kaylee questioned.  "Jonah has been so distant.  He's never been like this before.  Do you think he is tired of me?"

"Don't be crazy.  He loves you.  Since they don't have time for us, maybe we should do something for them.  Something thoughtful, to remind them that we are still here."  I suggested.

"How are we going to do that when we don't even know where they are?"  Kaylee asked.

"I know where they are."  Aubree said.

"Let's dress to impress and take them something to eat."  I suggested.

"Let's do it!"  They said at the same time.


We chose head turning outfits.  Our plan was to make them miss us as much as we missed them.  We chose to take them pizza in case there were a lot of extra hungry workers.  Aubree, Kaylee, me and six boxes of pizza piled in Kaylee's jeep and headed to the unknown to see our guys.

"We've been driving down this same road for a long time.  Are you sure there is anything out here?"  Kaylee asked.  I was starting to think the same thing.

"According to the map, we are almost there."  Aubree answered.  

We drove a little while longer before coming to a big house.  There were a ton of cars there.  It seemed awfully late for this many people to still be working.  We had to park a little piece from the house and had to walk.  Something was off.

"Let's go feed our men."  Aubree said killing the engine to the jeep.

"Let's take them pizza so they can still eat their hearts out."  Kaylee said as she handed out pizza boxes to each of us. 

"Construction guys listen to music, don't they?"  Kaylee asked with unease.

"Sure, they do."  Aubree said smiling.  She must not be having the same feeling as Kaylee and I.

"Do we just go in?"  I asked as we stood at the door.

"Well, of course.  It's a jobsite, not a party."  Aubree said as she opened the door walking in without pause.

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