Chapter 49

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After the conversation I had that morning before school with Ayden, I decided to focus solely on my future.  I spoke with the guidance counselor and had my schedule changed. there was no way I could continue sitting in this school all day.  Now, I was only attending school for what credits I had to have, which was only a couple of morning classes a day.  I showed up early to school and hid in my first class before the hallways got busy.  I worked very hard at not having to see anyone. It has been a month since homecoming. Prom is next week and then graduation is a week after that.

I had been avoiding everyone except Kaylee.  She had informed me that she and Jonah had kind of been pushed out of the group.  She said even Jesse felt left out of what was going on.  No one knew anything.  I didn't ask any questions, Kaylee just talked like she always did.  What bothered me is Ayden hasn't even tried to contact me in the weeks since that morning.  It's like he just gave up, or maybe Brayden was telling the truth and I was just too much work for what he wanted.  

"What's up?"  I said answering my phone.

"What are you doing when you get out of class today?"  Brayden asked through the phone.

"Well, I'm already out of class for today.  I only attend school a couple hours a day. I have an appointment to look at apartments here in Pine Bluff."  I told him.

"You're moving?  What about high school?"  Brayden asked.  

"I'm not moving, yet.  I will be after graduation.  I'm going to college down there and would like to have a place ready before time, so I don't have to rush."  I explained.

"That's a good idea.  I won't have to worry about you driving home every night."  Brayden paused for a minute.  "Are you there today?" 

"Yeah.  I don't want you to have to drive all this way."  I said not wanting to put Brayden out.

"Spending time with you is a privilege.  I want to come."  Brayden insisted.  

"Meet me at the college at 3:00?"  I asked.

"I'll be there."  He said before we said our good-byes ending our call.


"The first couple apartments are within walking distance of the school."  I said as we walked toward the first appointment.

"Have you talked to Ayden?"  

"No, he hasn't even tried."  I answered.

"Maybe the guilt won't let him."  He suggested.

"Either that or you were right... he was after my money."  I shrugged.

"Mak, you deserve better."  He said bumping into my shoulder. I gave him a small smile.  "Are you going to prom?"

"I haven't made up my mind yet. Kaylee has been bugging me to go dress shopping."

"I've got something to tell you.  Ayden is going... with Sarah.  That's what she was bragging about in school today at least."

"Well, that makes up my mind.  I won't be going.  You know, he hasn't even had the balls to officially end things with me.  I didn't end it."  I said feeling my blood begin to boil.

"That's all the more reason for you to go.  You should let me take you.  That would really piss him off."  He chuckled.

"You know what?  Why should I miss my senior prom over what he did?  I don't want to go with you to piss him off.  I want to go with you because you have been a really good friend to me even when I wasn't a good friend to you."  I smiled at him.    

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