Chapter 5

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    "Look, they are already getting on."  Ayden said as he sat down on a picnic table watching our friends getting onto the tilt awhirl.

    "Well, I'm riding it.  Even if it's by myself."  I shrugged getting in line.  Ayden followed me.

    "So, was this supposed to be like your first date or something?"  Ayden said after a few minutes of standing there in silence.

    "What are you talking about?"  I asked confused, turning to look at him.

    "You and Brayden."

    "No, what gave you that idea?"

    "I saw him pay for your wristband."

    "I guess he did that to be nice."  I shrugged.  "Some people just do nice things for others, you know."

    "Do you like him?"  Ayden asked.

    "Sure, I do.  I like all you guys."

    "I mean like him like him."

    "What's with the third degree?"

    "He likes you." He said putting his hands in his pockets looking at his feet. For the first time, Ayden almost seemed child-like.

    "Just because we get along well doesn't make it the way you're thinking.  He's just...sweet."  I began looking around.  Something smelled absolutely delicious. 

"Where did you learn to shoot like that?" Ayden asked smirking.

"My grandpa. My family was always big on me being able to protect myself, so he taught me how to shoot." I shrugged. 

"I'm impressed." Ayden said as we stood in line waiting on our turn for the ride.

 "I am so getting one of those funnel cakes when we get off this ride." I said changing the subject.

    "They smell great."  Ayden agreed.


    We sat down in the booth thing that had a roof on it.  A guy came around to secure the bars that held us in before the ride.

    "Just the two of you?"  The worker asked.  I nodded my head.  "Why are you sitting all the way over here with a beauty like that riding with you?  You should both sit in the middle; it will make for one hell of a ride."  He winked at me.  We both scooted to the center before he locked the bar in our laps.

    The ride started with a jerk.  The track went in a circle and moved up and down like a wave.  Each individual car also spun.  As the ride got faster and faster, it would cause us to slide into each other.  Ayden put an arm around me to hold me next to him, so we didn't fight against the momentum of the ride.  As the ride got faster still, we began spinning faster.  I got the giggles from the tickling the ride gave my stomach.  Ayden began laughing as he got tickled at me.  We both laughed until our eyes began to water.

    Soon the ride ended, the worker came back to release us from our restraint.  Ayden was so carefree that his eyes were sparkling. He never looked so sexy. We got up from our seat, and just like everyone else we were stumbling.  I tried to step over where the track met the platform but being so off balance that I couldn't counter act my heal getting caught.  I knew I was about to meet the wooden deck, but I never did.

    "Easy there."  Ayden said as his arm wrapped around my waist keeping me from falling.

    "Thank you!"  I squealed before busting out laughing.  The ride gave you the effect of being drunk.  He laughed with me, not letting go until I was safely down the steps. My skin came alive where he touched.   

    "I have to pee."  I blurted needing to distance myself from him.  What the hell was that tingle about?

    "I'll be right there."  Ayden said pointing to the picnic table.

    When I came out, Ayden was sitting down a funnel cake and two bottles of water.

    "I know you like lemonade, but I thought it might be too sour with this."  He said pointing to the funnel cake.  My heart fluttered at the kind gesture.

    "That's perfect.  Thank you."

    I sat down across from him as he pushed the funnel cake toward me.  I tore me off a piece.  It was like heaven in my mouth.

    "Eat some."  I said before taking another bite.

    "Maybe in a minute."  He said staring at me.

    "Are you sure?  It's to die for."  I said waving a piece back and forth in front of his face so he could smell the heavenly aroma.  He grabbed my wrist, dragging it toward his mouth.  He ate the piece of funnel cake straight out of my hand.  The second his lips touched my fingers, my heartbeat quickened, and my mouth went dry.

    "That was amazing."  His eyes darkened as he continued to hold onto my wrist.  I could not break the trance he had over me.  I squeezed my thighs together trying to help with what I was feeling at my core as he licked his lips giving me a look I hadn't seen before.

    "There you guys are!"  Kaylee squealed causing Ayden to release me.

    "We have time for one more ride."  Aubree stated as all our friends dug into my funnel cake.  I took a long slow drink of my water to avoid having to talk.

    "Which ride is it going to be, girls?"  Jonah asked.

    "The Farris Wheel!"  Aubree and Kaylee said.


    "I am not being caught dead riding this thing with you, dude."  Jesse said.  "Which one of you ladies want to ride with me?"

    "I'm not riding with my sister either."  Ayden spoke up.

    "That settles it.  I'm with Jesse, and you're with my brother."  Aubree said to me, batting her eyelashes, then smiling at Jesse.

   Aubree and Jesse got on first.  The wheel took them in the air a little way then stopped letting Kaylee and Jonah on.  Then next it was Ayden and me.  A lady latched our bar.  Ayden's hand grazed mine as he grabbed onto the bar.  His hand touching mine gave me goose bumps, making me involuntarily shiver.

    "You cold?"  Ayden asked putting his arm around me.

    "Yeah, a little."  I lied not daring to tell him the truth. The wheel continued to stop, letting people on, stopping us at the top.  "Is that mini golf?" I said looking over the side.

    "Yeah."  He smiled down at me when I looked back at him.

    "I'm so going to have to go there."  I said getting excited.

    "I'm pretty good at it myself."

    "Oh, I've never played, but I've always wanted to.

    "I'll take you some time."  He spoke softly. His eyes staring deep into mine.

    "Makenzie and Ayden sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"  Jonah sang.

    "Grow up, will Ya?"  Ayden said looking below us flipping Jonah the bird. Was he actually blushing?

    The ride began to twirl.  I was busy looking at the town.  I felt a finger rub against my hand.  My eyes jerked to his hand rubbing mine before looking over at him.  His gaze had been locked on me the whole time.  His big hand then covered my much smaller one.

    "Your hand is like ice."  He said bringing it to his mouth.  He kissed the back of my hand before asking for the other one.  He placed both of my hands on his chest, covering them with his.  I was shocked by his kind gesture.  I knew I should pull away, but I couldn't.  Man, am I in trouble with him? 

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