Chapter 39

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I don't know how long I had cried sitting in the floor up against the front door. The memories of Ayden breaking down in front of me would haunt me for ever.  After the tears stopped I noticed I had messages waiting for me on my phone.  I looked hoping Brayden had finally sent those pictures.  I needed to know if Ayden had told the truth about Sarah taking them while he was asleep, or if he had lied again.  

I can't believe they kept all that from you!  I'm home ALONE now.  I can come over if you need to talk. 

I didn't want Kaylee fighting with her friends over me.  I sent a quick text back telling her I appreciated it, but I just wanted to be alone right now.  My heart stopped when I seen who the next one was.

You forgot your bag.  I brought it over.  I'm on your porch.  I know you need space, but I know you are here alone.  I love you

Well, it was clear that he wasn't going to be good at space.  I typed a quick reply.

Thanks.  Just leave it on the porch.  You can go home; my parents will be here soon.

I can sit in my car if you want, but I'm staying until they get here.  This is the best space I can give you. I love you

Suit yourself, I'm going to bed... I love you... now carry on giving me space!

I quickly shut off my phone before he could text back.  I laid in bed, filling my eyelids instantly getting heavy.


I awoke to the sound of mom giggling in the kitchen.  I laid there a few minutes trying to decide if I was going to tell my parents about the fight I had with Ayden.  I have never hidden anything from my mom, but I didn't think I was ready to talk about this with her yet.  I still hadn't made up my mind about what I was going to do about the whole situation.  I knew I needed more information to make a better decision.  The doubts I was having would end up ruining our relationship even if they weren't true.  I needed to see the pictures and have a full conversation with Brayden.  Then, I would talk to Ayden about everything.  

After showering, I got dressed.  I fixed my hair and applied a little extra make-up to hide all the evidence of crying over Ayden.  

"Good morning!"  Mom said as I entered the kitchen.

"Good morning."  I smiled at them.  They were so cute together.  They were more like young lovers than parents.  Words can't begin to describe how seeing my mom this happy made me feel.  She deserved it more than anyone I know.

"I saw the cutest thing last night when we got home."  Mom smiled looking at dad.  "Ayden was asleep on the porch swing.  We tried to get him to come in and sleep on the couch, but he said he was just waiting on us to get home, so you weren't here alone."

"He looked like he was in the doghouse to me."  Dad chuckled.

"He is so hardheaded.  I got too much sun yesterday and went to bed with a migraine.  I told him I was fine to go home.  I thought he did."  I shrugged.  I knew that wasn't true, but I wasn't ready to tell them the real reason, but I didn't want them worrying either.

"Well, that was sweet of him."  Mom said before taking a drink of her coffee.  "What are your plans for today?"

"I don't know yet.  I think I'm going to hang out here for a while and go through my closet.  Then take whatever I get rid of to Good Will.  Then see what the girls want to do."  I really did need to go through my closet.

"Sounds like a busy day.  I'm taking your mom to look at a house just out of town.  You are welcome to come with us if you want." Dad said.

"I'll go look at it if you guys decide to buy it.  I really want to get my closet done."  I suggested.

"Are you sure?  We are going to do a bit of exploring and see some of the local sights after." Dad offered.

"I'm sure.  You two crazy kids go have fun."  I joked, causing them to smile.

"We will be back later.  If you need us, call."  Mom said gathering her keys and purse.

"I will.  I'll be fine.  Go!  Go have fun."  I said pushing them out the door.

  After the door shut, I went upstairs to check my phone for messages.  When I turned on my phone, I had three messages.  One from Ayden, One from Kaylee, and one from Aubree.

Sorry about falling asleep... I didn't know what to say to your parents, so I didn't say anything.  I love you so fucking much

I decided on a simple "It's fine.  Thank you.  I love you."

How are you today?  Do you need me to come over?

I replied back to Kaylee that I was good, cleaning out my closet, and that I would call her when I was done.

I am sooooo sorry.  Please talk to me.

I ignored Aubree's message.  I knew I would forgive her, but I was still mad and hurt.  She could suffer a little longer.

I decided to text Brayden again.

Did you get my message?  I need to talk to you.  Call me.

I put down my phone and started cleaning.


"Have you talked to Aubree?"  Kaylee said as she helped me box up the last of the stuff I was taking to Good Will.

"No, not yet."  I blew out a breath.  "I was just mad that she let him keep it all from me.  I know he's her brother and all, but I'm her friend.  She should have pushed him to tell me."

"You're right.  Ayden should have never kept it from you.  By the time Aubree found out, so much time had passed that she thought it would have been worse for you to find out then."

"I understand that she did what she thought was best.  That she didn't do it to hurt me, but it was still not the right choice."

"You have a right to be mad.  Just don't stay mad too long."  Kaylee bumped my arm.  "How about we drop off these boxes and invite her to lunch?"

"Yeah, as long as I don't have to talk to Ayden right now."  I said feeling sad.

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