Chapter 45

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"Hey beautiful." Ayden said as I climbed into his truck after school. He leaned over the console to give me a kiss. I turned my cheek toward him not feeling a fake kiss. "What's wrong?" He asked confused.

"Nothing. I feel like I'm coming down with a bug." I said hugging the bag with that damn phone in it to my chest. I leaned my head over against the cool window.

"Aubree is wanting to talk to you and Kaylee alone at your house. If you're not feeling up to it..."

"No, it's fine." I said cutting him off.

The ride to my house was quiet.  Ayden pulled into my driveway, followed by Kaylee and Jonah.  Jesse parked across the street at his house. The guys were going to hang out at Jesse's house to give us alone time with Aubree.

"Let me know what you find out."  Ayden said. 

"Ayden, whatever is going on is her story to tell you when she is ready.  Or Jesse's if he so chooses.  Just trust me to take care of your sister."  I snapped.  

"I trust you.  Thank you."  He kissed my lips before he met the other guys across the street.

Kaylee and I made our way up the stairs to my room.  After knocking, we opened the door.  Aubree was sitting on my bed, her knees pulled up to her chest.  She looked scared to death.

"Tell us what is going on."  Kaylee said sternly.

"I'm two weeks late."  Aubree said very bluntly.  We tried to hide our shock.

"It will be alright.  Do you want me to go buy you a test?"  I asked ready to spring into action to help ease my friend's pain.

"I bought some on my way home today.  I've already peed on them; I've just been too scared to look."

"Do you want us to look?"  Kaylee asked.  Aubree nodded.  Kaylee motioned for me to go look while she stayed by Aubree's side.

"Ummm... Two say yes, but two say no."  I said shocked.  Aubree broke down.

"Fuck this.  Let's run down to the E.R. and find out for sure.  There is no reason to put yourself through this any longer."  Kaylee suggested.

Aubree, Kaylee, and I are sitting in the little room at the E.R. waiting in the doctor to come in.  The nurse had already made Aubree pee in a cup and checked her vitals.  Another lady came in and drew some blood.  Now we were waiting in silence.  Aubree was in the bed in nothing but a paper gown and socks, with a blanket draped over her.  Kaylee and I were on stools on each side of her bed.

"Hello, Mrs. Hart.  I'm Dr. Brown.  I'm going to have to ask you to scoot your bottom to the end of the table and put your feet here."  She said pointing to the stirrups at the end of the table.  "Would you like for your friends to step outside?"  She asked putting on her gloves.

Aubree shook her head and squeezed tighter on our hands.  Dr. Brown nodded in understanding.  The doctor moved her stool over toward the short cabinet where her computer was.  Standing up, she threw her gloves in the trash and washed her hands before studying her computer.

"Have you been taking your birth control regularly?"  The doctor asked.

"Yes, I take it at the same time every day."  Aubree said.

"Have you taken any kind of antibiotics?"  


"You are experiencing what we call a blighted ovum, which is a miscarriage that has happened so early that no clearly defined fetal tissues have formed."  Dr. Brown explained.

"There's no baby?"  Aubree choked.

"No, there is no baby.  The process started but failed.  Your body hasn't got the memo and is behaving as if it were pregnant. I'm going to give you three pills. It will shock your body back to normal.  You will start your period.  It may be heavier and last longer than normal.  If it lasts longer than ten days or you are using more than one pad every couple of hours, come back immediately.  Do you have any questions so far?"  Dr. Brown thoroughly explained.

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