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       LILLIAN felt terribly ill the second she opened her pale blue eyes

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       LILLIAN felt terribly ill the second she opened her pale blue eyes. Her entire body ached, and to top it off, there was a growing pain in her leg.

"What hit him?" she heard Annabeth demand.

"Black Jack," a feminine voice answered— Piper's voice.

"What?" the girl asked in confusion.

Lilly tilted her head to the side to witness the two girls standing over their boyfriends, Percy and Jason, completely oblivious to her awakening. The two boys were unconscious in their berths while Gleeson placed some type of paste to their heads. For a confusing second, she has mistaken the paste for toothpaste.

Piper recounted everything that happened-- how Percy and Jason had been possessed by spirits. She included how Lilly attacked her— only she made Lilly be less villainous.

Annabeth slowly made her way to Lilly and tended to her hurt leg. She didn't seem surprised that she was awake -- at least not like Piper.

Annabeth frowned at the teeth marks. "How did this happen?"

"Winston," she answered. Just by saying his name, she heard movement. From the floor, Winston's ears perked at his name. The jingle of his tag that hung from his collar signaled he heard her. His nails on his paws hit against the wooden floor with a clicking sound following, meaning he was walking. She finally found Winston jumping on the bed -- his puppy form thankfully. She didn't know what she'd do if he was in his full-blown size.

Without Lilly knowing, Annabeth took a pair of tweezers and removed the tooth that had been implanted in her leg. It caused her to curse out rather loudly, that it surprised Coach and Piper.

"Sorry," Annabeth muttered and placed the tooth in the trash. "But I had to remove it otherwise it'll get infected." With that, she finished bandaging her leg and then checked Percy's head again.

"Hey, bud." She pat his head. Winston wagged his tail, clearly happy to see her awake.

Her hand ran over a bump, well, more like a gash. She examined it and discovered his fur stained with blood along his rib cage.

"Piper," she said. She glanced in her direction, but she saw the uneasy and sketchy look she wore. She didn't completely trust her. Why did this bother her so much? She was used to people lacking faith in her, so why did Piper's trust matter? "What happened to Winston?"

Piper shrugged, but her voice sounded edgy. "In the fields most likely."

For the first time, she realized her clothes didn't exactly cover her entire body. Her orange shirt was singed to the mid stomach, her shorts going a little above mid-thigh. She felt exposed, more than she preferred.

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