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    SHE was happy Apollo visited her last night

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    SHE was happy Apollo visited her last night.

Much to her dismay, Apollo couldn't stay very long, but she was still glad he could stop by.

Later, she stood with her friends on the deck, as Gleeson yelled, "Thar she blows! Kansas ahoy!"

Percy and Annabeth stood by the railing, with an arm around Annabeth's waist. Lilly enjoyed seeing Annabeth happy. During the months Percy had been missing, Annabeth was so consumed in the search for Percy, she blatantly forgot Lilly's birthday.

She knew it was a while back, but it didn't mean she wasn't offended. She may not show her feelings-- she might act like an emotionless and heartless being, but her feelings were there deep inside somewhere.

No one at Camp Half-Blood remembered her birthday-- except Apollo and Hermes. Hermes sent her a small gift, but it's at camp still wrapped with a green bow resting on top. She never bothered opening it.

Her half-brothers? They're oblivious to everything. Jason, Piper, and Leo? She never said a thing to them, but she had hung out with them that day.

Sighing to herself, Winston whimpered below, attempting to catch her attention. Once he did, he leaped into her arms happily.

"Hey, boy." She ran a hand through his fur coat. He barked in response, moistening her face with his tongue.

She set him down and walked to where her friends stood. She took part of her shirt to wipe the slobber off her face. "Morning."

Annabeth smiled. "You're in a delightful mood."

"I had a good night of sleep, I suppose," she quickly scrapped together an excuse.

"Good morning," Percy grinned, but there was something off about him.

Piper joined them soon along with Jason. She searched for Leo and found out he was fiddling with the controls.

Piper carried a bagel, but just as she was about to take a bite, Annabeth plucked it out of her hand. They had a running joke about stealing each other's food.

"Here we are. What's the plan?" Annabeth asked.

"I want to check out the highway," Piper said. "Find the sign that says Topeka 32."

Leo spun his Wii controller in a circle and the sails lowered themselves. "We shouldn't be far," he said. "Festus and I calculated the landing as best as we could. What do you expect to find at the mile marker?"

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