Chapter Thirty-Six

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The fire lingered under the chimney, keeping the room warm enough to sleep comfortably throughout the night. The sun began to creep into the cabin through the windows with their white laced curtains flowing so gently. The window was barely lifted and allowed the crisp air to slip inside. The birds of the forest started their song for the day, gingerly waking Arthur.

Slowly he allowed the light into his eyes. He almost stretched his arms but stopped when he felt (Y/n)'s head nudge closer to his chest. Arthur froze in his place and looked down. Her long eyelashes fluttered; she was dreaming. He watched (Y/n) for a little while longer, soaking in every detail of her in. After the past events, he knew every second with her could be his last. There was no need to rush time. He was with her, his love, now his wife. (Y/n)'s lips curled into a smile ever so slightly. It was contagious and caused him to smile as well. He was happy to know (Y/n)'s dreams were pleasant and wished for her to never have a bad dream in her life again. The dark times were over, or so he hoped.

Moments passed and Arthur decided it was time to start the day, though it pained him to disturb (Y/n) in her sleep. "Good mornin', Beautiful," he rasped, speaking his first words of the day. "How'd you sleep?" He stretched and reached for his shirt.

(Y/n) laughed, "Good morning, Dear." She sat up on her elbows and leaned her head back. "I've never slept better in my life." She rested her eyes, still not wanting to get up. (Y/n) was not quite a morning person, although she tried to be. Never could she understand how Arthur had the strength to get up every morning knowing all the chores and handy work he would do during the day.

He threw (Y/n)'s clothes at her, landing them on her face. "Get dressed. We should go into town, get something to eat."

(Y/n) choked on air in surprise. "What! Throwing clothes at me, now?" she laughed, "Is that any way to treat your wife?" She couldn't help but let a giggle escape her mouth. She picked the shirt off her face and stood up.

Arthur laughed along softly, walking close enough to hold (Y/n) in his arms. "C'mon, you know I'm just messin' with you." He kissed her forehead. "And anyway, I got your clothes for you to start the day. That's a nice act of kindness if you ask me." He looked into her eyes, admiring their shine.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." She gave him a peck on the lips and set a hand on his cheek, feeling the stubble of his beard. "I'll hurry then to get ready."

"Alright, then," he said, his face glowing with happiness. He put on his belt along with the holster with his gun. Although he wanted to change his life around, he didn't want to chance it. He was paranoid someone would pick a fight and risk the life he has now with (Y/n). He would rather have a gun just in case than not and need it later. In his time with the gang, the gun was meant to attack. Now, it was to protect and (Y/n) was worth defending.

(Y/n) was finally dressed and ready to go. "So, where are we heading?" she asked gleefully.

* * *

"C'mon, boy!" said Arthur to his horse. "San Denis ain't that long from here." (Y/n) held tightly around him, not wanting to fall and skid on the dirt road. That, and she liked to hold on to him. He was her husband now, after all.  

Eventually, they made it into town. Arthur jumped down from the horse, hitched it, and then held out a hand to help (Y/n) down. "Thank you! I see you're trying to make up for being so rude this morning," she joked.

"Ha-ha, I know you thought it was funny," said Arthur. "Now, time to treat my wonderful wife to a nice meal." They held hands as they walked in the dinner. Like before, she sat down to pick a table and Arthur followed. The food they ordered arrived at their table soon after. Life seemed good, no, better than ever before. It felt surreal.

//BEARING ARMS//RDR2//ARTHUR x READERWhere stories live. Discover now