Chapter Five

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Slightly biting her lip, weighing her chances of survival, (Y/n) had accepted Arthur's assistance. "Fine," she said, "but if you try anything- and I mean anything- I will not hesitate to grab another branch and start swinging, Mr. Morgan!"

Arthur shook his head while chuckling, "Sure, and I'll just yank the branch away again. I promise you; I've got no intent to harm."

(Y/n) lifted her brows and looked down to her side with shifty eyes, "Good. Well, now, it's time we start searching."

The day was beginning to set, and the evening sky was creeping upon them. They needed to find a spot soon for (Y/n) to stay. If not, they would have to deal with the night wildlife that roamed the land. It was best for them to make haste.

Fortunately, Arthur had already a place in mind, "I know of an abandoned cabin out here in the woods. It's pretty secluded, but not too far out by it's lonesome." He whistled, calling his horse forth. With ease, he hopped on the back of his steed and held his hand out towards (Y/n), "Come on, let's start headin' over."

She reluctantly held his hand and attempted to mount the horse. "This is," (Y/n) said, "quite difficult! You made it look so easy." The horse was pretty big, especially in comparison to her.

Arthur held back his laughter. He rolled his eyes as he dismounted the horse.
"My, oh, my li'l Missy. You are a city girl, aren't ya?" He walked up behind (Y/n), set his hands on her hips, and lifted her up on the horse.

"What? Oof!" She cried, not expected to be lifted so easily. Either she was not as big and tough as she thought, or Arthur was stronger than she had realized. Whichever it was, she still felt slightly embarrassed. She did feel out of her element and lost, more than she had initially thought.

"Here we go," said Arthur has he mounted his horse again. He did not know, but (Y/n) was blushing at the closeness of his form to her own. It was weird. It was a feeling she had not felt before, one she could not imagine having for anyone.

But then again, she had not ever met anyone so different as this Arthur Morgan. He still held that indescribable charm she took notice from last night.

He gave the horse a small kick to get it moving. "Go on, boy!" He yelled and it sped up in pace. (Y/n) was not prepared and yelped. She quickly fastened her arms around Arthur's waist, burying her face into his back.

He jumped a little at her touch, but he did not complain. Arthur liked having to protect (Y/n) in a way. It made him feel important. Just by her needing his help and him assisting her made him feel like he was doing some good in the world, like he had more of a purpose. And, her arms wrapped around him, he loved the idea of someone needing him back.

A half-smile crept onto Arthur's lips. "Faster!" He said, giving the horse yet another small kick.

"Gah! Why must you ride so fast! I feel as if I am going to fall over!" Cried (Y/n) as she held tighter around his torso, which was exactly what Arthur had wanted to happen.

He was enjoying the moment he had with (Y/n). She certainly was a new case he had never known. A person who could not ride a horse, had never gone fishing or known anyone who had, someone who was clueless on how to survive on the land alone. He had a lot to teach her and it concerned him in a way. But, in the meantime, he chose to pick on her for it all.

"Li'l Missy, you aren't gonna fall off, trust me! Once you know how to ride a horse, you'll see just how easy it really is!" He spoke.

(Y/n)'s eyes shot open, "Oh, bother! I better not fall! If I do, I'm dragging you down with me!"

The cabin came into view as they rode up and hitched the horse. "Here we are, Miss Robinson. Your new home," Arthur announced.

He got off the horse and held out his arms for (Y/n) to jump down. She hopped down, landing in his arms. They looked into one another's eyes for a brief moment that seemed to last more than a minute.

"You, uh," he smiled softly, "alright? How'd you like the trip?" She realized her hands were placed onto his chest as his hands were still placed around her waist. It was awkward, but oddly enough, neither of them seemed to care.

(Y/n) broke away, "It was an experience. One that I'll have to grow accustom to, I suppose. Thank you." She began taking steps closer to the cabin door, leaving Arthur standing almost in a daze.

"No problem, li'l Missy," he quietly spoke under his breath.

The two walked inside the abandoned cabin. It was a little messy, but with the proper care, it was able to become quite cozy. As for the outside, it looked stable enough. There was enough small space to have a tiny garden pen for a few vegetables and herbs to grow, all of which Arthur would have to help teach how to maintain.

"This is," (Y/n) sighed, "exactly what I needed right now. Today, well, hasn't been the kindest to me, but you Mr. Morgan, you made a difference. Thank you."

He placed his hands on his belt, "It's the least I could do. " it was quiet for a few seconds until a growl broke the silence.

Growl as in (Y/n)'s vacant stomach, that is.

"Sorry, I haven't eaten today, or yesterday, or the day before then that well either," she explained. She hated how foolish and helpless she was appearing to Arthur. (Y/n) considered the fact that after today she may not see him again, but that did not mean she did not want to leave a good impression.

He shook his head, "Listen, it's barely dark out. You stay here, do with what you can with the place, and I'll be right back."

"Alright, Mister Morgan."

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