Chapter Twenty

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They walked out of the portrait studio and stood there on the sidewalk, side by side. Neither one of them wanted the moment to end, but it had to. "We better get you that gun," said Arthur. he cleared his throat as he gestured (Y/n) to follow him.

He could not help but smile all the way down to the store. (Y/n) was not able to see his face, but his cheeks were rosy, and his eyes held a certain gleam within them. As for (Y/n), she kept re-playing the moment in her head. She had even asked herself if it had happened, if the moment was made up in her head, but they had a photograph to prove it. The kiss happened and she wished it went longer- if only they had been alone.

"This is the place," said Arthur. He opened the door followed by a ringing sound of a bell, notifying the owner a customer had arrived.

The man was pretty enthusiastic. "Welcome! You're looking for a new firearm? Well, this certainly is the right place for you!" He hopped behind the counter to easily reach for any of the showcased guns.

Arthur looked and inspected the guns through the glass. "Let's see here..." he held his chin, looking closely. "How about this one right here?" He pointed to a revolver and looked over his shoulder for (Y/n)'s approval.

"It looks nice enough," she said in agreement.

The store owner then pulled the gun out and handed it over. "Would you like to purchase some ammunition for the revolver before you leave?"

"We got the bullets, thank you-"

"How about a specifically made ammunition pouch?" Said the store owner. He was insistent on making the customer spend as much money as possible it appeared. Or, at least, in attempt to make them stay in the store.

(Y/n) wanted to move along their day. She could not wait to finally have Arthur to herself again. Luckily, he felt the same. "No, we're fine. Thank you, mister," said Arthur as he paid before holding the door for (Y/n).

"Alright, come again!" After they had left, the gun owner wrote down the sighting. He was sure (Y/n) was the woman. He hurried over to the police office to leave his letter, hoping he would get a good reward soon.

* * *

"Now," said (Y/n), "where are going to shoot this?" She was eager to sharpen her skill. She had practiced shooting a rifle while she stayed at the abandoned cabin Arthur found her. But, since then, she felt like she had become rusty. After all, (Y/n) was only beginning to get the hang of it. She did believe in the idea that 'practice makes perfect'.

Arthur had tucked her new revolver into the holster of her belt. "Hold your horses, Li'l Missy." He was happy to see her smile, the contentment in her voice, but something seemed off. He grabbed her hand and held it in his own. "You didn't think that man seemed, I don't know, sketchy?" He asked. Arthur started leading (Y/n) to her horse down the road.

She thought for a moment. "No? Was he not a salesman doing his job?" She was oblivious to the man's over-enthusiastic personality. In all fairness, (Y/n) had used to being surrounded by business and salesmen, all of which who were enthusiastic about their work.

Arthur lifted her up on the horse while shaking his head. "I don't know, (Y/n)," he said. "It just didn't seem right." He always worried for her safety since the day they met. Arthur had only remembered how young she was compared to him; how little social understanding she had in comparison due to their different upbringing. She was 'sheltered' and he was thrown into reality at the age of fifteen.

(Y/n) had ways to go before she was completely self-sufficient. Only time and experience could help her learn. Arthur had hoped she would not need to suffer to learn. That was the internal issue ringing in his head. He hoped that He could protect her for all of their lives together. Arthur would sacrifice himself if it meant (Y/n) could be happier. She was his first and only true love and this was his third chance not to mess things up.

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