Chapter Twenty-Seven

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There they stayed, lip locked and in a daze. (Y/n) slowly opened her lidded eyes, her arms over Arthur's shoulders and enjoying the kiss. Then, her eyes shot open wide. "Mm! Mm!" She noised, hitting her palms on Arthur's back frantically.

Confused, Arthur pulled away to scan her face. He said, "what? What're you-"

(Y/n) grabbed Arthur's face to turn him around to look towards the crowd. "That's him isn't it? That Bronte man?"

"Yeah, it is. He sure does stick out like a sore thumb then, doesn't he?" Arthur was a little taken aback on how (Y/n) knew who he was. But, then again, she did claim to know 'who is who' when it came to the wealthy class and status. "I have to follow him. Wait here, I'll be right back."

She narrowed her eyes and yelled in a whisper, "What? I have to come with you! Hosea said-" Arthur waved his hand in assurance.

"I know what old man Hosea said, but" Arthur held (Y/n)'s hand in his, "Bronte's not one to mess with. It could get ugly in there if somethin' goes wrong. Please, stay here for now." He kissed her knuckles, "I'll be right back." And backed away slowly before meshing with the crowd of guests.

"You better be." (Y/n) murmured under her breath. She huffed and turned around to look out towards the pond once again. This Bronte man must be dangerous. She thought, " Arthur would not leave me alone in such a crowded setting unless it was better that way, I suppose." To ease (Y/n)'s nerves, she left for a drink of water at the table.

She passed men and woman laughing, drinking, and dancing. It reminded her of her past; the life she used to have. (Y/n) did not miss it. Yes, life was simple and easy in a way, but it was also overbearing. Always being polite and keeping quiet just to be there for show.

"-And then I found my brother Wilbert in the horses' stables!" A man said rather loudly, concluding his story, causing his listening audience to burst out in laughter. Well, all except one man- presumably the said 'Wilbert'.

(Y/n) turned around to face the storyteller only to be utterly shocked. It was Peter Hillington. How could she not have realized the Hillington's would be here! (Y/n) felt stupid for being so surprised. She carefully sauntered around Peter and his group, making sure to stay out of sight. She slid through the Bronte Mansion's doors and stepped into the foyer. Her heart was pounding and was steadily calming down.

To her right, (Y/n) could see a sitting area, so, she sat there. It was quite elegant within the home. She sat with her legs crossed, watching a few other ladies enter and exit the door with wine bottles and hospitable smiles. It was only to assume they were the hired hostesses at the party.

"What do you think you're doing, madam!" Said a man in a black suit. He placed his hands on his hips and raised his brows, tapping his foot against the floorboards. He did not look angry, but rather confused and awaiting a reply.

(Y/n) wished everyone could just leave her be! "I, um, am waiting for the wine?" She quickly made up an excuse on the spot, hopefully a good enough one to make the man disappear.

Vexed, the man let out a gruff, grabbed a bottle from a passing by hostess, and handed it to (Y/n). "There you go! Now go and do your job! That is the one Sir Bronte requested, so you better hurry." He pointed up the stairway, "Well? Get a move on!"

"Oh! Uh, yes, of course," said (Y/n). This was not what she meant when saying she was waiting on the wine! Did she not look like a guest? Clearly to the man she did not. (Y/n) held the bottled wine with care and went up the creaking floorboards of the stairs. When she reached the top, she listened for the sound of another being's footsteps turning a corner. 'There he is,' she thought.

(Y/n) finally caught up with Bronte who was turning the doorknob to his office. "Excuse me, Mister Bronte?" She held the wine out, "This is for you, yes?" Her hands tightly wrapped around the bottle out of nervousness. Arthur did say this man was someone not to be messed with.

"What's this?" He said, eye-ing the wine then back to (Y/n). His hand left the knob of the door as he slowly approached her.

She was taken aback, "It's the wine you requested? I'm sorry if-"

A shifty smile crept upon his features. "No, no, darling! What I meant was that I was not expecting such a beautiful woman to be wanting to share a glass of such fine wine with me this night." He grabbed the bottle from her grasp. "Care to step inside for a drink?"

"I-" Before she could answer, he was turning the doorknob once again, opening the door while he waited for a reply. With Bronte's attention still on her, (Y/n) could see into his office behind him. There, she could clearly see Arthur searching Bronte's desk. Arthur looked up and nearly jumped at the sight of Bronte at the doorway and (Y/n) there as well. She looked at Arthur dead in the eyes, both of them almost at a panic while Bronte was left oblivious to the situation before and behind him.

This had to be the longest ten seconds of her life. To stall time, (Y/n) draped her arms around Bronte's shoulders. "I'd absolutely love to." She internally grimaced her words.

"Oh, I see," said Bronte, who was extremely amused by her response. "Perhaps there are other things I can offer that you would be interested in?" He raised his brows, and his crooked smile grew. Arthur wanted to punch Bronte so hard at that moment. He knew (Y/n) was only trying to distract Bronte, but when another man has his hands on his girl- he can't help it. But Arthur quickly picked up the documents he needed and made his way to the window.

(Y/n) wanted Arthur to hurry out. As he turned the latch of the window, Bronte was about to turn around into the office. In an instant, (Y/n) cupped Bronte's face in her hands and kissed him. She hated it.

Arthur was half-way out of the window and caught a glimpse of the kiss, causing him to fall into the shrubs below him. He waited to see if he could hear anything from the office above him and he did.

(Y/n) pulled away from Bronte's face as soon as Arthur was out of sight. "I'd love to continue this, "she lied, "but first, let me bring up a couple of more bottles of wine, yes? Surely, we'll need more than one if we want to have any fun?"

Bronte thought for a moment, "Of course! I like the way you think. I'll ring for another bottle-"

"No, no, no, I'll get them myself! While I'm gone, get comfortable," said (Y/n) before whispering in his ear, "I'll be right back." She walked away, giving him a glance before leaving to seem more convincing.

As she left, Bronte began to un-do his tie and closed the door with a huge smile on his face. "Come back soon, my love. I do not like to be left waiting."

When (Y/n) reached the first floor, she jolted put of the house. Immediately, she found Arthur at the entry way. "There you are!" She held him close and went on her toes to kiss him, that is until Arthur placed his finger over her mouth.

"I saw you kissing another man," he teased. "I'm not sure I should forgive you." As much as Arthur hated seeing (Y/n) with any other man, no matter the reason, he knew that in this situation she did it to save him.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes. "Oh, no! Please, take me back! It won't happen again!" She said mockingly, playing along with Arthur's teasing. The two laughed and shared a genuine kiss between themselves. 

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