Chapter Thirty-Eight

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What was (Y/n) to do now? She would chase after Arthur on boat if she could, but to where? There is no way to track anyone on the open sea. No trail stays on the ocean's surface like mud or dirt would. She sat there to think to herself for a second longer.

"(Y/n), is that you?" said a woman with a man following behind her.

"Sadie?" said (Y/n)

Miss Adler gave a smile of relief. "Oh, it is you! What are you doin' out here soaked and where are the men?" She looked concerned, reaching out to hold (Y/n)'s shoulders. It was silent for a moment.

John scanned the area before resting his eyes on (Y/n). "Where is Arthur?"

"I don't know," said (Y/n). She explained what they did to her; how they threw her into the ocean; how they tricked Arthur to make him stay in the gang. "But, he'll come back. I know it."

Sadie sighed and rubbed her head. "I hope he does." The three of them took a moment of silence for themselves. Then, John and Sadie helped (Y/n) to one of their horses. In the meantime, she would stay with them, awaiting Arthur's return.

* * *

Arthur had just woken up, the sun's beams of light forcing their way into the cracks of the tree's leaves. He lifted a hand to shade his eyes. They had been on the island of Guarma for three weeks after being at sea for two. They tried to remain undetected onboard, but the trip was longer than anticipated. It turned out the boat was not planning on returning to the docks. They were heading out for good. Dutch told Arthur, Javier, Bill, and Micah to prepare to fight for the ship.

Fortunately, they were able to take the crew down. Then there was the other problem: they were lost. Before they could get a clear reading on which direction to sail, they were hit by a storm. They lost control and crashed. Arthur believed he would not be able to see (Y/n) again. He closed his eyes and remembered her face that he studied every chance that he could get.

The next thing he knew, they washed up ashore on a tropical island called Guarma. Arthur, Dutch, and Micah found each other quickly. Javier and Bill were captured, but fortunately they were rescued before harm could be done. Now, the plan was to escape off the island.

Arthur rose from his spot inside the ruins of what used to be a small house. He heaved a cough, causing him to stagger and lean his shoulder against the broken wall. His sclera was tinted pink while his under eyes began to fade to a pale lavender. He cleared his throat and walked to the food supply. Arthur tried to keep his health up as much as he could. He wanted to have a fighting chance to get back to his wife.

"You don't sound too well, Black Lung," said Micah. "Better take it easy or we might be leaving with a crew of four." He laughed while he cracked open one of the few cans of fruit.

Arthur sneered. He did not want to waste his breath on Micah. He was not worth it. All he had to do was think of seeing (Y/n) again and he felt better.

Micah chugged the can of peaches in his hand. "You know, it's gonna take a while before we get home anyway. If we do, that is." He licked his lips and tossed the tin can to the side. "By then, your girl (Y/n) will be nothing but a dream."

Arthur knew Micah was trying to pick at him, but his words made his blood boil. "Would you just shut your damn mouth?" He shaded his eyes from the sun's heat.

Dutch now came into view. "No, you have to hear it, Arthur. It's the truth he's speaking. (Y/n) might not even be there whenever you come back." He leaned his hands on a crate nearby. "It could take months for this civil war to clear and only then can we get a ship back home. There's work for us to do here first. Who knows? Maybe (Y/n)'ll find someone else while you're away." He stared at Arthur as if he just said the inevitable.

//BEARING ARMS//RDR2//ARTHUR x READERWhere stories live. Discover now