Chapter Thirty-Three

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John and Arthur finally made it back to camp that night. Everyone else in the Van der Linde Gang was asleep, except for one.

John hitched his horse on its post. "You think she's convinced? I mean, she seemed pretty conflicted back there."

"I know, but...I feel like I have a chance," said Arthur. "Huh, I never much had something to hope for, but that woman...she's changed me, John." Never had he ever thought someone could have such an influence on him. Dutch and Hosea both raised him practically, but he never diverged from what they taught and thought. (Y/n) was the one that got him to see in a new light. Not even Mary Linton had accomplished that much with him.

As much as John hated to show any kind of affection towards Arthur, his eyes softened. He loved Abigail with all his heart. John knew where Arthur was coming from because he had been there before.

"Huh, I think you're right," said John, patting Arthur's shoulder. "So, what's the plan now?"

Arthur half-smiled and put his hands to his belt. "I think I know where the wedding ceremony will be held. I'll be surveying the area and, as soon as I see her, I'll swoop in and ask again." He knew it was not an organized plan as he hoped for, but he had to be quick with as little information possible. Whatever the situation, he would try his best to get (Y/n) back.

John tipped his hat, "Well, then you ought to rest up. 'Sounds like we got a long day tomorrow."

"One more thing," said Arthur, making John stop in his tracks. "Thanks for helping me out. This, uh, would've been a lot more for me to handle on my own. I appreciate it..."

"I know you'd do the same, Arthur. Don't worry about it."

As the two men went their separate ways, Micah snickered to himself. "Looks like I got some work to do tomorrow, too. Maybe make a trip to visit those Grays," he said before returning to his tent.

* * *

Arthur woke up in a coughing fit. "Not again...," he managed to say.

John was walking towards him, then rushed over after hearing Arthur's hacking. "Whoa, there! Are you fine, Arthur? You don't look too good..."

"I, ahem, I'm fine!" He said. His eyes were sunken more than the days before.

"But, Arthur, you sure you can come along today? I can-"

Arthur looked up to John, eyes set on his, and said, "No! I'm still goin'! (Y/n)'s expecting me and I'm planning on taking her back myself!"

John's brows furrow. "I know, I was just offerin'. Come on let's go now, daylight's wastin'."

They immediately mounted their horses after. It was time to search for (Y/n) before it was too late.

"You two seem to be headin' out early this fine morning," said Micah, grinning from ear to ear. "Where you headin' off to with Black-Lung, Marston?"

John sighed, "None of your business, Micah. Now go back to the rat hole where you came from." He started to move away from the camp an onto the trail.

Arthur trailed behind John, glaring at Micah. He had nothing to say to him. Micah should know by now better than to get in between him and (Y/n).

Soon, they were far from camp and on the trails in Rhodes. "I'll go ahead and ask around if they've heard any news of a wedding. You check around in Saint Denis, maybe she's still by the hotel," said Arthur, his voice hoarse. He was not feeling well, but the thought of (Y/n) being with him again helped him push through. "I'll meet you back at the crossroad here when you got a lead."

The both of them split paths. Every now and then, Arthur would question fellow riders, but none knew anything of a wedding.

"A Hillington? Sorry, sir, can't say I have heard," said the man with a missing front tooth.

His friend beside him scratched his own stubble before he spoke. "Well, now that you mention that name, I remember a feller talking about attending the ceremony."

"Really? Who and where?" Asked Arthur with such eagerness in his voice.

"He was a young man, mutterin' to himself while leaning against a fence. He's the Gray's boy, Beau I think they's call 'em."

Arthur nodded to the man, "Thanks, Mister!" And hurried off to find this Beau. Maybe he could help in some way. He needed all the help he could get right now.

He followed the directions the stranger said and soon enough found a young man leaning near a fence, shaking his head. The man looked like he was moping around, his shoulders slumped over and with furrowed brows. Arthur got off his horse and walked up to him.

The man muttered, "I don't want to even go...Why can't my family understand? The whole feud is silly!" He then looked up to meet Arthur's face.

"Are you Beau Gray by any chance?" Asked Arthur.

"Yeah, unfortunately I am," Beau shifted in his place. "Why? Who are you?" It probably wasn't the first time this morning someone sought out to find him.

Arthur relaxed more, now that he can finally try and find some answers. "You know anything 'bout a wedding for-"

"Yes, I know! Don't remind me as if I haven't been dreading it all morning!" Yelled Beau. He flailed his arms and everything just at the thought of attending. "I have a date to take that I don't even want!"

Although Arthur wanted to skip over his ranting, he had no choice but to give in. Maybe if he showed some concern, Beau would help him? "What are you goin' on about?"

He let out an exasperated sigh, "You see, my family's got this silly, little grudge against the Braithwaite's. The issue at hand is, I've fallen in love with Penelope, who is a Braithwaite! So, my family's arranged a marriage for me and a wealthy girl named Veronica Irving." He closed his eyes and rubbed his face. Beau gulped, "To try and make us 'bond' we're attending the Hillington Wedding as a couple. Penelope will be attending as well. Oh, how I hate this all!" He balled his hands into fists and swatted at the air.

Arthur rolled his eyes but tried his best to comfort the poor guy. "Look, I may be able to help you with your, uhh, predicament." Beau's head snapped forward to face Arthur once more. He knew he had his attention now.

"Really, you do? What do you want! I'll do anything!" Beau pleas. He looks desperate, almost on his knees begging in front of Arthur.

"I dunno, it might not work."

"No, please! I want to live my life a free man, to marry whomever I choose!" He said.

Arthur thinks he's egged him on enough. "Alright, alright, I'll tell ya so you can quit your cryin'." He folded his arms over his chest. "Tell me where the wedding is and what time and I'm sure I can come up with a plan to save you from your own marriage. Deal?"

Beau looked dumbfounded. That was it, nothing else he wanted? "But what's the plan you have-"

"Just tell me what I asked, and I assure you, everythin' will work out fine!" Arthur said sternly. He glared at the gentleman before him, his patience wearing thin.

Beau gulped and chose his words carefully. "Yes, of course! It's this evening around 6 o'clock sharp at the Braithwaite's Manor. They're the one's hosting the whole ceremony."

Arthur rubbed his chin. He thought over his plan. It was risky, but it was better than nothing. He reminded himself once again that this was all for (Y/n) after all. "Say, don't they have the fastest, thoroughbred horses? Where they keep them?" He looked towards Beau and took a step closer.

He stepped backwards in response. He decided to be honest and tell all he knew for the sake of himself and Penelope. "They, uhh, keep them not far from where the ceremony will take place. Somewhere 'round back, you can't miss it."

Arthur walked close up to Beau, making him flinch. He tightly shut his eyes and turned his head away. Then, Arthur placed a hand on his shoulder and gave a half-smile. "Thanks, Beau. You've been a great help. See ya in the evening." He tipped his hat and walked back to mount his horse.

Beau finally breathed out the air he was holding in. "I hope I'm makin' the right choice trustin' him," he said as he watched Arthur ride away. 

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