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After Micah and Dutch's demise, Arthur and (Y/n) made their way to their new home to stay for the night. It was evident in Arthur's countenance his condition was only to worsen over time. (Y/n) proposed he go to the sanatorium the Doctor from San Denise had told her about. She explained to him how she set aside money specifically for his recovery.

Guilt overcame Arthur and he refused to receive any treatment. He argued that the money be used for their child who was sure to be entering the world soon. But the desperate pela of (Y/n) was too great. She persuaded him to go to the sanatorium after all, saying it would benefit them both in the long run; he was one of the greatest gifts their child could receive, a loving father.

Although Arthur did not like the idea of missing his child's birth, he knew it had to be done. Within the next few days, he had left for Strawberry to be admitted into the Sanatorium to get better. Over a course of 4 years, he and (Y/n) sent letters back and forth. During his time away, his wife sent him care packages made with love. She gave reports of their baby girl, Clara, and her progress acquainting herself with the world. Every now and then, (Y/n) would send Arthur Clara's drawings she made for him.

Sadie, Abigail, and John were aware of their new home's location and would visit often. They became aunt and uncle figures in Clara's life along with Jack being like an older brother to her.

After being segregated in sanatorium and finally returning to good health, Arthur eagerly made his way back home. He became anxious at the thought of meeting his little girl for the first time. Often he wondered while he was away if he could live up to her expectations.

Luckily, their first encounter was a success. At the age of five, Clara met her father for the first time. At the start, she was almost as nervous as him. But, he mentioned her drawings and how much they meant to him, and her spirits went up.

"I want to draw like you, papa!" she said. "I want to be as good a drawer as you!"

Arthur's eyes swelled with tears and from then on, he would sit down at the table and draw with his daughter before (Y/n) set dinner on the table. They lived a happy life together with a baby boy on the way.

He left the thieving and shooting behind and only relived his past as stories to his children. From now on, he would only raise a gun as his right to bear arms and protect his family from harm's way.

Arthur Morgan lived happily off the land he fought for alongside his wife and children who loved him so dearly.


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