Chapter Thirty

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(Y/n) unlocked the door to her room with a heavy heart. After closing the door behind her, she nearly had to drag her feet just to sit at the edge of her bed. With a shaky sigh, the palms of her hands concealed her face as her weak elbows rested on her knees. She wept. From now on, all her support had to come from herself.

"How could this have happened?" (Y/n) thought. "I was the one stupid enough to believe it was real. Meeting Arthur, started because of a tragedy, and it now has ended in tragedy." It all was clear to her now. He left her with a broken heart.

However, there was no doubt that she loved him still, even in the state (Y/n) was in. Yes, she should let him be with whomever he wanted to be with. That is what true love is: being able to let go. But, would her love be considered untrue if she was able to let go so easily? Her emotions were intense, leaving her little room to think so clearly.

(Y/n) would have pondered longer if it were not for someone knocking on the door. "Excuse me!" called the voice, "It's me, Mr. Belmont, the hotel's owner! You have a visitor, Miss (Y/n)." Could it be?

Hesitantly, (Y/n) got up to answer the door. "Oh, yes, in a minute!" She opened up the door, expecting a familiar face. There before her, was Mr. Hillington. She gulped, regretting her decision to walk to the door so carelessly.

The older man belted out a hardy laugh. "Dear (Y/n)! I am so glad to see you! Are you all right? You've been missing for God knows how long!" He smiled at his future daughter-in-law.

(Y/n) was on the brink of fainting on the spot. As if the day could not get any worse. "Well, yes, I do not wish to talk about it... it has been... a difficult time for me to say the least." The last she wanted was to mention the gang and Arthur. No one must know her past whereabouts. It would jeopardize the gang.

Mr. Hillington grabbed her hands, pulling her to follow him. "Then, I'm happy to put an end to your struggles. Fortunately, the plans for you to be wed to my son, Peter, have not been dismissed!" They turned a corner in the hall, making their way to another door. "Everyone is here at the hotel, patiently and eagerly awaiting the wedding!"

He stopped at the door at the end of the hallway. "Here is Mrs. Hillington and your aunt Eliza Clements. I am sure they will be more than willing to fill you in on the current schedule," Mr. Hillington huffed right before turning on his heel to leave.

The door opened, revealing the two mentioned elderly women. "Come in! Come in! welcome, you must be famished!" cried out Mrs. Hillington. "You look so thin! would not want my dear son Peter to be wed to a walking skeleton, now would we?" She laughed and gestured to a plate of sweets.

As much as (Y/n) wanted to argue with Mrs. Hillington, she could not resist a scone and macaroon. She was hungry. She passive-aggressively bit into her treat while attempting to force a polite demeanor. "Thank you," (Y/n) spoke between bites, "I'm very pleased to have been reunited with you."

"Oh! Likewise!" cried Aunt Eliza, "I'm happy we are able to move forth with the marriage!"

(Y/n) swallowed her last bite. "Of course you are." she mumbled under her breath.

Mrs. Hillington nearly choked on her tea. "What was that?" She squinted her eyes in attempt to appear intimidating. In reality, it only made the wrinkles on her face more prominent.

"Nothing!" said (Y/n). "I'm also looking forward towards the wedding, as well." She smiled and reached out to hold each of the elderly women's hands before her. It was then decided, the marriage would go on.

* * *

Arthur stared at Mary's face. It shocked him how before, her hand clasped into his and her pretty eyes would have left him in a daze. But not anymore. Not ever again.

"Mary, " he began, "I found a real nice, smart, gorgeous woman." He waited for a second collecting his thoughts carefully.

Mary Linton retracted her hands from his. "Oh, I see..."

Arthur continued, "Yes, it's true. I've moved on. She accepts me. This woman, she is certainly something else." He shook his head. "Mary, you are also a smart and beautiful woman. One of the best I've known, just not the one for me."

"Arthur, I don't understand. We've been through so much-" She was at a loss of words.

"And that's just it. You don't understand, and that's alright. I'm not forcing you to." He was very sure of his words. "I'm only letting you know now; you don't need to worry 'bout me no more." Arthur got up from his seat, pushed in his chair, and placed some money on the table. "I think it is best if we don't see each other anymore, letters neither."

She watched him walk out of the diner. Mary was nearly on the brink of tears and she had no idea why. In the back of her head, she had always known her relationship with Arthur would go nowhere. Honestly speaking, Mary just liked the thought of a man like Arthur always chasing after her. Now, her game was over. She lost.

* * *

The day so far was exhausting. Arthur had barely made it back to camp. After hitching his horse at its post, he left in a hurry to see (Y/n). That whole time he was with Mary Linton he was thinking of (Y/n), wanting to get back to her as soon as possible. Him being with any other woman felt so wrong.

Half-jokingly, Arthur asked Javier, "Hey, you've seen this lady 'round here?" He laughed "You know, the one 'round this high, with the (h/c) hair, pretty (e/c) eyes? Think her name's (Y/n) or somethin'?"

Javier simply laughed. "No se, just got back to camp not long before you. Sure she's somewhere around." Then he walked away to his tent, still chuckling to himself. It was nice to see Arthur so happy for once.

Arthur continued to walk around the camp in search of his love. Suddenly, his walking slowed down to a halt. He turned his head to his right after hearing some kind of argument. It was John and Dutch. "Them two fightin' again? Wonder what it could be this time," he thought. 

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