Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Dutch continued to socialize at the party, speaking to every important figure he could find. He saw a young man, his father, and an older woman chatting and holding papers and decided to step in.

"Hello, there! I'm James Everett," Dutch lied.

The woman held her chin high, analyzing the stranger before her. "Well, hello, I am Eliza Clements." She squinted her eyes and held out the flyer in her hand. "Have you, by any chance, seen the young lady?"

"Let me see what you got there," Dutch chuckled. He held the wanted poster in his hands and his expression dulled. It may have been a bad print but could have sworn the woman to be none other than Arthur's (Y/n). He looked up to the woman, "Where would I find you if I find her?"

The young man smiled and straightedge his tie. "That would be at the San Denis Hotel. Ask the clerk for Peter Hillington and we'll meet there."

The elder man spoke next, "I hope to see you soon, hopefully with the young lady on the paper you're holding, yes?" He gave a crooked smile, lifting his chin up in a approval.

Dutch nodded slowly with a devious smile himself. "Oh, I hope, as well. Just you wait, you'll be expecting me soon." He tucked the flyer back into his pocket for safe keeping and then turned on his heel to meet up with the gang.

"Well, it has been an honor, Bronte, but it is time for us to make our way back." Said Hosea.

Bronte waved, "Ah, yes! Wonderful! I hope you enjoyed yourselves." He rubbed his hands together and was immediately immersed into a conversation with a group of guests to his right.

(Y/n) did her best to walk out of Bronte's sight. Luckily, Arthur's big stature made it easier to hide.

"You're out of sight now," said Arthur. He looked over to his side to see (Y/n) snap her head back to look up at him.

She cleared her throat, "I was just making sure he's definitely gone. You know how awkward it would be to see him again after what happened?"

He raised his brows, "Oh, 'awkward'? You're worried about being awkward rather than us being found out?" Arthur was only poking fun at (Y/n). His lips formed an amused grin.

"You know what I mean!" (Y/n) playfully hit his arm before looping her's around it. The two along with the rest of the gang made their way to the stagecoach. Soon as they all stepped in they burst into laughter and cheers.

Arthur handed over the documents he snatched from Bronte's desk. "Here you go, Dutch," He said.

"Oh, Arthur!" Dutch smiled, "You shouldn't have!" He grabbed the papers and quickly examined them. "This night has gone so damn well!" Then he glimpsed at (Y/n) before quickly looking towards the others. "We have gained a lot of valuable information. We'll have our money in no time."

Soon, the stagecoach became quiet. They were all tired of the night's excitement. (Y/n) gently leaned onto Arthur's shoulder and he softly rested his head onto her's. He looked out the window the rest of the ride while she closed her eyes. Both of them oblivious to watchful eye of Dutch.

The leader of the gang had had it with (Y/n) interfering with his plans. When he needed Arthur, he'd be unavailable due to him spending so much time with (Y/n).

All the while, Arthur was thinking. He was thinking on how perfect the night was. How the the time spent with (Y/n) was like no other. She truly was someone he got along well with. The way she helped him back at Bronte's mansion meant a lot to him. Sure, he did not like her kissing another man, but it showed the depth of their relationship. She was willing to help him no matter what. He would do the same if necessary. Arthur had no problem abandoning everything for the sake of (Y/n).

* * *

When at the camp, it became dead quiet. Mostly everyone was asleep or close to passing out from exhaustion. (Y/n) hugged Arthur good night and disappeared into her tent. He wished they could spend the night together again, but he knew it was best to leave her be. Besides, Dutch was calling him.

"You got something to say to me, Dutch?"

"In a matter of fact, I do."

Arthur waited.

"When are you gonna straighten up and ditch that girl?" Dutch said.

"Wha- now wait a minute! (Y/n) ain't just some 'girl'. She's the best woman I've known in all my life- I mean that Dutch!" He was taken aback.

"At first, I thought you just needed someone to get over Mary. But, this thing between you and (Y/n) has gone on long enough!" Dutch handed him some envelopes.

Arthur pulled out the letters from their paper pockets. "What are these?"

"They're letters from Mary Linton. She's been meaning to see you for some time it seems." Dutch walked closer to Arthur. "If (Y/n) is such a perfect woman that no one else can compare to, why don't you go ahead and tell Mary you're done with her, hm?"

"Dutch, I-" Arthur started.

"No, you have to!" Dutch passed around his tent. "If...if you love (Y/n) that much, I guess I'm gonna have to put up with her here." He looked over to Arthur who was almost in shock.

"You mean that, Dutch?" He dropped his hands to his sides.

"Yes, it's been hard for me to accept it. I can tell (Y/n) is no other woman to you." He placed a hand on Arthur's shoulder. "But it isn't right to have another woman thinking she's still got a chance with you, son. I'm telling you this, if you really love (Y/n), you should tell Mary Linton face-to-face that you're taken."

Arthur considered Dutch's words. It did make sense. He had no interest in Mary Linton at all. Before, he was crazy for her. But now, (Y/n) has made him the happiest he has ever been. Arthur looked over the letters in his hands. "Thanks, Dutch. I'll go ahead and tell Mary Linton the news tomorrow."

Dutch grinned and patted Arthur's shoulder. "That's my, son." 

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