Chapter Twenty-Three

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    Arthur got back on his saddle and rode through Saint Denis. It was dark and late, the perfect setting to take down as many posters as possible. He decided if he was to tear down the wanted flyers in broad day light, the police would be more than likely to see him, leading Arthur to be brought in for questioning. Thus, here he was during the late hours of the day, or what was left of it.

Discretely, Arthur carefully searched block after block for missing posters of (Y/n). "That seems 'bout it. Well, from whatever I can see," he huffed. He dusted of his hands and turned on the heel of his boot around.

"Help! Help me, please! Anyone!"

Then, Arthur spun around, surveying the area around him. The streets were vacant, but the echo begging for rescue said otherwise. "Who's...?" And just then, he saw it. A poshly dressed man was being mugged at the street corner and, although he was bigger than average men, seemed to be losing the fight.

The man struggled to push his attacker away. "Leave me alone! Please!" Distress and plea escaped his mouth but to no avail; his mugger still reached for his collar and pulled him up.

The robber raised a fist but was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. "Hey, looky here, partner." He turned with no time to regret his mistakes.


The mugger was knocked out cold by the collision of Arthur's fist to his face. "You okay, mister?" He asked, helping the nicely dressed man to his feet. "Whatchu doin' walkin' around at night anyway?"

The man straightened up his tie. "Why, thank you, sir! I surely would have been in such a dire situation hadn't you come to my rescue! I am in your debt-"

"You're welcome, but again- what are you doin'?" Arthur asked again. He was curious to know, especially since the roads were ominous at this hour.

"I could ask you the same thing, sir!"

Arthur shrugged, "fair enough."

"But," the man started, "I have a request, if you do not mind-"

"Oh, boy. What's it now?"

The man cleared his throat. He knew was becoming an inconvenience to his savior, but he was desperate. "I need a ride to a certain location furthur up north, past the marsh to Annesburgh."

"You must be out your goddamn mind-"

The man fretted. "I know, I know, it is a bit out of the way-"

"You think?" Arthur remarked.

"But I shall reward you, I promise. It is extremely valuable, and I will gladly give it to you if you would please escort me to said location. What do you say?" The man held out his hand for a handshake. He was desperately hoping for a miracle.

Arthur only stared at the man's hand. "How valuable are we talkin' 'bout here?" He sighed.

"Preciously valuable," reassured the man, hand still outstretched.

"Well, then I guess we got ourselves a deal." Arthur then shook the man's hand, stealing the agreement. "Now, hurry up and get on the horse. This is gonna be a long ride, so this 'precious reward' better be worth it." He whistled and called his horse forth.

* * *

The two were riding though the marsh in mostly silence. Until an owl's hoot scared the stranger out of his wits. "What- who- what was that?" He cried. The man squeezed his arms around Arthur's torso.

Arthur grumbled to himself, "it's cute when (Y/n) holds on tight but not you..."

"What? Are you saying something?" Asked the man, paranoid at the current surroundings.

//BEARING ARMS//RDR2//ARTHUR x READERWhere stories live. Discover now