Chapter Eight

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It was early morning, (Y/n) shifted in her sleep before eventually waking up. She opened her eyes and sat straight up. "So, it wasn't a nightmare," she said to herself aloud.

She looked around the room. It was empty. Confused, she walked over to a pouch that contained mint leaves. She used that to brush her teeth as best as she could and washed her face from the water -pump sink.

More awake now, she remembered something.

"Except," (Y/n) continued, "I thought there was that strange, yet charming, man here. I must have dreamed he helped me-"

There was a knock on the door.

"(Y/n), it's me, Arthur Morgan," he said.

'So, It wasn't a dream. He was here.'

She walked to the door, hoping he did not hear her talking out loud just before. (Y/n) never had considered any man to be charming and, for some reason, she liked it that way. But, Arthur was challenging her otherwise. There was something about him she kind of liked and (Y/n) wanted to keep him around if she could.

The door opened. "Hello there, Mister Morgan." She said.

He looked down at her, "You can call me Arthur. And I, err...I was wondering if you would be interested in learning how to hunt or fish?" He looked nervous, his eyes shifting from side to side, one arm supporting him against the doorway.

(Y/n) found his company pleasant and she did need to learn from someone. "Alright," she said, "I don't mind going at all. I feel I could learn a lot from you, Arthur."

He blushed at her statement, "oh, well, come on then. Let's start with setting up traps." Arthur walked over to his horse, mounted it, and pulled (Y/n) up on the horse to sit behind him like the other time. "Hold on," he said as he held the reigns.

(Y/n)'s arms looped around him and they began their small trip into the forest. "So, you enjoy your first night at the cabin?" Arthur asked.

She thought for a moment, "It was okay. I couldn't tell you had left." (Y/n)'s tone sounded a little disappointed.

"Did you want me to stay?" He inquired. Arthur was curious to know the answer. In fact, he had thought about staying for the first night just in case something happened, but he had to get back to camp. He did not want the gang thinking he was taken hostage somewhere or killed.

(Y/n)'s heart skipped a beat at the question. 'Did I want him to stay?' She thought. She replied, "oh, no, it was quite alright. I can't be so dependent on you or anyone. I was fine anyway."

Arthur was now the one sounding disappointed, "Yeah, I figured." They had finally reached a good spot far enough from the cabin, but not too far out either. "This is a good place to start settin' a trap," he said.

He pulled out from his bag a pouch of animal feed, bait. "This is used for smaller animals, like the rabbit I caught last night. Look at this, "Arthur said as he began to make a knot with a small rope and use twigs for a trap. "If you don't want to make a lot of noise or search for food, these traps are ideal."

"I see," (Y/n) said with such interest. On her own, she attempted to make the trap and succeeded.

"I'm impressed, Miss Robinson. That's pretty good for a first try. Set it up over there, close to those bushes," he said. He knew (Y/n) would be a fast learner, which was good, but also not good. It meant their time together would be short. She would no longer need him and they would go their own paths.

(Y/ n) turned to face him once again, "Now what? We just wait?" Surely he had something else planned. Did he not mention something about fishing?

"How about," he stared her down, noting her frilly dress, "we go into town for a short bit. We got some supplies to pick up if you're to stay out on your own." He had enough money to buy what (Y/n) needed from his bounty hunting and other activities, besides robbing.

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