Chapter Four

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The three men came to a stop when they recognized the O'Driscolls roaming the scene.

"Oh, now we've got to step in," said Dutch. He made the first shot, killing them instantly.

"Here we go again," huffed Arthur.

The two sides were shooting it out, settling their differences like how they usually do. Once every O'Driscoll was down, Micah walked over to the back of the carriage. "Well, looky-here. What those Bastards want here anyhow?" He said.

Arthur just wanted to get away as possible, "Don't you think we should get a move on now? The O'Driscolls are dealt with, the law or Pinkertons might show up-"

A rustle from the bushes was visible and heard.

Dutch ordered, "Arthur, since you want to leave so quickly, go catch whoever that was. Might be a witness trying to rat us out. Do what you see fit when you catch them."

Arthur mumbled under his breath and ran into a sprint into the woods. He could hear the fast footsteps of whoever was there. Soon he was able to see a figure of someone wearing some kind of cloak with a hood. "Come back here!" He yelled.

He was beginning to come so close to the witness. Right when he was about to grab onto the robe, the person swung a broken-off branch his way. "Ugh!" Said Arthur as he dodged the blow.




Missed again, but each fling of the branch was coming close to contact with his face. Frustrated, Arthur shouted, "That's it! I've had enough of this!" And was able to pull the branch out of the witness's grasp, tossing it to the side.

As soon as the make-shift weapon was out of reach for the witness, they ran off with great haste. With Arthur pursing the cloaked stranger, their cloak had snagged onto a branch. They tried to tear the material free, leading them to take off their cloak. Arthur, without stopping, tackled the figure and landed on top of them in a shallow, running water creek.

"Get off me!" She yelled. Arthur's eyes grew wide. It was her. The lovely lavender lady he saw the night before. Why would the world play tricks on him so cruel like this? Out of all the ways the two could have met once more, why did it have to be like this? 'Why not in a proper setting instead of a running chase?' He thought.

And then the ever-running thought rushed into his head, 'It's because it's me and I am who I am. A bad guy with nothin' good to come for.'

(Y/n), her chest heaving, trying to calm down and breathe, recognized Arthur. "You're- you're that strange man! The one that caused a fight at the saloon!" She began trying to struggle once more to free her wrists from his grasp, "Get off!"

Arthur was just in awe in how this woman recognized him. He thought for sure she would forget him without even trying. He got up, and lifted the woman over his shoulder, her fists hitting his back.

"Put me down! You murderer!" (Y/n) yelled.

Arthur slightly amused by her attempt of trying to break free, "It's not what you think! Just calm down, Missy and maybe- just maybe- I'll put you down."

It was quiet.

"There," she said, "I'm calm. Now put me down."

Arthur sighed and set her down under a shady tree, "What did you see happen?"

(Y/n) gulped and held back her tears, "I saw- I saw a bunch of dead men, my murdered parents in that stagecoach, and you with two other men stealing whatever you could find!" She was slightly sobbing now, not wanting to cry in front of him and show weakness. She knew he was a dangerous man. She could sense it. (Y/n) wanted to trust him, but she did not want to take any chances.

Arthur was feeling so sorry for this lady. He kneeled in front of her, "Look, I'm sorry about your ma and pa. But those dead men you saw? Those were the real killers. Me and the other two fellers you saw were just checking out what happened, killed those murderers, and tried to see what they wanted. I'm real sorry."

(Y/n) sniffled, "Thank you, then. Thank you for killing off those monsters, mister-"

"Morgan," he finished, "Name's Arthur Morgan."

She began to calm down after quickly assessing the situation, "I'm (Y/n) Robinson, nice to meet you." She held out a hand to shake and Arthur only stared for two seconds before hesitantly grasping her hand to shake.

"You, uhh," Arthur started, "got anywhere to go? I know I can't help much more, but I can give you a ride real quick."

(Y/n) knew she had not known this man for long, for all she knew, he could be playing a trick on her. She saw what he was capable of, and it frightened her a little. But, he had so far only shown her kindness and so she would only give kindness in return, which was why she introduced herself and offered a handshake in return.

"No, no, I'm quite alright," she lied. (Y/n) needed help, but it was her on her own right now. If she had to rough it out for a couple of nights in the outdoors before getting settled, she had no problems with it.

"Ma'am, are you sure?" Arthur eyed her up and down, "you don't look like you're from around here- you don't sound like you're from here neither."

(Y/n) looked down and didn't realize how fine her dress was. It had ruffles and intricate patterns and lace, not to mention the material was especially smooth. Definitely not a common wardrobe of the local women in Valentine or anywhere near them.

She blushed at his observation, "Yes, well, I can manage on my own."

Arthur, clearly not buying her claim, crossed his arms, "So nowhere? You don't need to be gettin' anywhere? Because it sure looked like you were headin' somewhere."

(Y/n) took a moment to pause, "No, no where important." She did not want to mention Peter Hillington or anything having to do with him.

She was hurt enough that her parents were gone. (Y/n) just took the terrible situation as a chance to start a new. Now was the time she could escape this arranged marriage. Although, she did consider marrying Hillington as it would be in her parent's honor as a last request. But she left the idea; it felt better that way.

Arthur walked in a small circle before turning to face (Y/n) once more, "That's it? You just gonna roam around and make yourself home?" He raises his arms, gesturing around them, "out here? In the woods?"

She walked a little closer towards the man, tilting her head upward, "You think I can't handle it?"

He went along with it and walked closer to (Y/n), his eyes peering into her own, "I know you're lost, and it just don't feel right leavin' you here, Miss Robinson." Arthur was genuinely worried for her and hoped he had talked some sense into this woman.

His gravelly voice sent a chill down her spine as she considered his words. 'What am I doing?' She thought, 'I don't know how to survive out here?'

(Y/n) questioned his motive, "And why do you care?"

He squinted his eyes, ignoring her question, "Okay, how about I help you find a place to stay here. From there on out, you're on your own. I'll just do my best to make sure you don't die out on your first day. How does that sound, li'l Missy?"

Arthur hoped she would not be stubborn and comply with this idea.


A/N: I just wanted to say thank you for all those reading along and voting. It means so much and I hope you will enjoy the rest of the story. Thanks again, comments are always nice, and love y'all❤

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