Chapter Seventeen

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The sun light seeped through the cloth of the tent. (Y/n) had woken up, slowly opening her eyes for the first time that day. She smiled and turned her head to see a familiar face nestled over her shoulder, his stubble brushing against her skin, and his arms draped around her. Arthur's lips curled as he leaned in to kiss (Y/n)'s face.

"Good mornin', darlin'," the man said. He still held her in his arms, not wanting to get up quite just yet.

(Y/n) turned her body completely to face Arthur. "Good morning to you, as well," she said. She had barely known Arthur for long, but (Y/n) could tell he was something better than she had ever thought could be. For once, she had felt comfort in someone else's arms. The way he held her close, she could feel a heartbeat, one that she had grown acquainted to for some time.

He began to button up his shirt. "I'll be gettin' somethin' for us to eat ready to start our day. We should head back to camp." He walked out from underneath the tent to the small fire across. It had been so long since Arthur felt alive. He even considered, maybe- just maybe, leaving the gang and running away with (Y/n) was the right thing to do. It was what he should have originally done with his past lovers. But perhaps this was fate.

This could have been the world being generous towards him, giving Arthur a third chance to make amends. He had the chance to be a happy, free man with a loving, accepting woman. But, he could not. Arthur could tell the gang needed him. He had to look after them like it was all on his shoulders. Yes, Dutch was the one making most of the calls and the plans, but who was really working? Arthur Morgan was.

If Dutch needed a job done (and a job done right), he sent Arthur. When Tilly was taken, who was the one who acted on his own to save her- Arthur. When a robbery or shoot out was in store, who was sure to be included in the job? Arthur. And, when John needed saving, who was asked to go for the rescue? That's right, Arthur Morgan once again.

Although Dutch was known as the mastermind, the king or ringleader of the gang forged in his name, Arthur was the one who held the group together. He did what he had to and balance loyalty to Dutch with the love he had for his new family. It was difficult, surviving and moving around the country, but it was done. Arthur had no breaks and no chance to live on his own. He was much too involved.

But (Y/n), she was the only woman in his life to make him question it all. Was she really the answer to his uneventful life? She did seem to bring him happiness and purpose, two things he longed for almost his entire life.

"Here you go," he said as he handed (Y/n) their morning meal. She yawned, took a bite, and set the food down in order to fix her hair. She raised her arms up to her head and stretched and combed her fingers through her hair. Without knowing, Arthur was looking at her, admiring her form. He liked her elegant figure and the way she moved without realizing how gorgeous she really was.

She turned to face him while reaching for her food, breaking Arthur from his trance. "So, " she said, "what are we doing today?" As she munched on her meal.

"I was thinkin' we head back to the camp; I'll settle out what needs to be done there, and we'll do whatever we need to do ordered by Dutch." He explained, his voice still raspy.

(Y/n) nodded, "seems like a good plan." Then, she spoke again, remembering an important question she had in her head, "If Sadie was in the same situation as me after the O'Driscolls killed her husband, then why was she welcomed into the gang and I was not?"

It was early, but (Y/n) had her mind cleared. Arthur, some-what groggy still from waking up, was not expecting such a specific question; especially one that was as good this. "Well, I'm not sure," Arthur said, "honestly, Dutch isn't making much sense lately. I think, I think he's worried. He's focused on keepin' this group's loyalty that I don't think he's too keen on letting anyone else in." He shook his head, "this is all- it's all a mess. I'm just doin' what has to be done, I guess."

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