Chapter Twenty-One

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They had finally reached their destination that Arthur had come to name as The Deer Cottage.

It was an eerie place to lodge in. It did not look uninhabited, but it was. There was a fire already set inside, usually there was, and the water still ran. The cabin contained few cobwebs, but other than that, it was relatively well kept. Arthur had once stayed and had fallen asleep inside and had woken up to the furniture moved around.

He was not a skeptic, but the cabin did challenge his beliefs. However, The Deer Cottage had always been a reliable shelter, so he returned to rest when in the area.

Arthur hitched his horse on the post outside the wooden abode. "This be the place," he said while turning to (Y/n). He admired the way her hair waved as she hopped down from her horse. Arthur could not help but take in the sight of her each time he got.

"What are you smiling about, cowboy?" (Y/n) teased. "It may be getting dark out, but I can still see that blush on your face!" She was definitely in the teasing mood.

Arthur used to be easily embarrassed when (Y/n) would talk to him in such a way, but not this time. He had grown to know her more. She was no longer just a lady he fancied; no, (Y/n) was now his love. That much between them two was known now. There was no sense in being bashful.

"I'm smilin' at you, beautiful." He really wanted his mind to come across now. He walked to (Y/n) after she stopped in her tracks.

She was giggling at his sudden change of endearment. (Y/n) knew by Arthur's actions that he cared deeply for her, but she had to admit, it was good to hear such nice words leave his mouth. "I've only been smiling because of you," she said, looking up into his eyes as he held her close.

He scrunched his face, "Oh, I'm not much to smile about." Arthur was enjoying making (Y/n) laugh; it was addicting. Finally, he had someone to share his joy on a similar level. Yes, there was Hosea, Lenny, even Dutch at an earlier time, that he laughed along with- but (Y/n) was different compared to that. He actually cared about making her happy and felt like it was more of his duty to make her life pleasant.

She frowned in a joking manner, "Eh, you're right, I suppose. You can be a bit of a handful at times-" (Y/n) began to part away from Arthur's embrace only to be pulled back again.

"What do you mean by that?" He said while laughing out. "I've been nothing but a gentleman to you!" Arthur was trying to be funny, but when he thought about it, he had been very kind to (Y/n). He gave her nearly everything he could offer.

(Y/n)'s face was gleaming. Never had she thought she would appreciate someone's presence more than the man before her. She felt lucky. Any other man that attempted to hold her so close (Y/n) would have surely shoved away. But not Arthur. "Oh, I don't know about that!" She continued to mess with Arthur, leading him to do the unexpected.

"Alright, then," he said. "I'll show you how much of a crook I am since you insist I'm everythin' but a gentleman." Just then, Arthur scooped (Y/n) in his arms and gave a quick peck on the cheek of her face.

"Mister Morgan!" She shouted, her giggles escaping her lips. (Y/n) circled her arms over his shoulders as he walked towards the cabin's doors. She could not help but feel her heart overwhelmed with love.

The cabin was illuminated with a yellow light aura. The night and its constellations were visible from the window and through their slightly sheer curtains.

Arthur playfully dropped her onto the bed in the cabin. For a moment, they had caught their breath from their laughter while staring into one another's eyes. His palms were supporting his weight as he hovered over (Y/n)'s frame. Then, Arthur's lips came crashing down onto her's. (Y/n) returned the kiss and their night went along full of love, laughter, smiling, and amusement in one another's arms.

//BEARING ARMS//RDR2//ARTHUR x READERWhere stories live. Discover now