Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The next day came and Arthur was the first one up. He could not sleep well knowing what he was about to do that day. Mary Linton was expecting to show at that parlor to talk and possibly make amends. However, Arthur was planning on keeping the meeting brief. Why would he spend his time on someone who never loved him for him?

He told Dutch he was on his way over to Saint Denis. "That's my boy!" Dutch said, "Tell her straight. It might be hard to do, but I believe in you."

"Will do, Dutch." Said Arthur, already exasperated just at the thought of the awkward confrontation. He mounted his horse and made his way over to meet for the last time the woman he used to think loved him the most.


Arthur had finally made it into town. The roads were busy as usual as he hitched his horse in front of the parlor to meet Mary. Sure enough, as he walked in, she was sitting at a table right next to the front window. It was strange.

He used to adore this woman. Before, Arthur would be overjoyed to see her and to be even in her presence again. This time, he felt nothing. Regret, maybe, for the effort and time spent on her. Maybe he felt annoyance? Knowing that Mary would only accept him if he bent over backwards from the start for her. Other than that, nothing.

"Hello there, Arthur," she smiled, her hands intertwined with one another, resting on the table. "You finally decided to show up."

"Yeah, I've just-"

She interjected, "No, no, it's quite alright. You've always been worth the wait." Mary laughed at her own words, expecting a hint of a smile from the man before her. Then her giggled died down. "What's the matter now?" She looked concerned.

Arthur shook his head. "Nothing. Nothing's the matter. I've actually been pretty happy these past few weeks." He looked towards her, waiting for a reply.

Mary genuinely was intrigued, "Oh? Have you finally quit that gang? Is that it? Leaving that bad life behind would certainly cause a lift in your spirits."

He sighed, "No, Mary, that's my family. I've explained that to you before. Many times. The difference is, I have purpose now."

She furrowed her brows. "Then what could it possibly be?" Mary reached over and held his hands from across the table, looking into his eyes. "What purpose are you talking about?" Arthur could not help but stare back.

* * *

(Y/n) finally woke up. She looked over for Arthur, but he was gone. After dressing, she stepped out to ask around the camp. "Have you seen Arthur?" She had asked.

"Sorry, I don't think I have."


"No, haven't seen him today."

Were the kind of replies she received. Until someone came up behind her. "I, uh, have an idea on where he might be..."

(Y/n) spun on her heel to see the speaker. "...Dutch?" She whispered to herself. She was aware that Arthur was becoming wary of him, but he would assure her anyway that Dutch was family with good intent.

"I don't think you want to hear it if you just carry on." He said, messing with his vest pocket, then looking up to meet (Y/n)'s gaze.

"I want to know. Tell me, please." (Y/n) asked uneasily. His response was ominous. What was Arthur doing? Where was he?

Dutch sighed, " might be hard for you to hear-"

"Just tell me!" Said (Y/n)

He rubbed his head. "Arthur's gone into Saint Denise."

(Y/n) tilted her head. "And so, what? Out with it! What would be wrong with him going into town?"

"He went to see someone." He paused for a second. Dutch could see the concern on (Y/n)'s face shift to shock following his next statement. "A woman. He went to see his sweetheart, Mary Linton."

She straightened up and wiped the surprised look off her face. "I don't believe you. Sorry, but I just don't."

Dutch thought this might happen. He planned accordingly for once and brought proof. "Well, then how do you explain these, hm?" He pulled out a few letters from his vest and handed them over to (Y/n).

She squinted, took the letters, and opened one up. "What's all this then?" She looked up to Dutch.

"Well, why don't you read it over."

(Y/n) looked at the papers in her hands and skimmed them over. Her eyes widened. "I don't think this means anything."

Dutch laughed and then set a hand over her shoulder. "I'm sorry to inform you that Arthur had made plans to meet with Mary Linton. He never did get over her that easily. In fact, I bet if I take you into town right now, you'd see for yourself the truth."

"Alright then," confidently said (Y/n), "how about we do then? Arthur has never been the kind of man to hide such things from me."

A smile crept unto his face, "As you wish, Ms. Johnson."


Time had passed and before they knew it, (Y/n) and Dutch were across the street of the parlor in Saint Denise. He raised his hand and discretely pointed towards the window into the building. "There. That's the proof you needed to see for yourself?" He came at the right moment. There, in the parlor, was Mary and Arthur; both hand in hand, staring deeply into one another's gaze.

(Y/n) could not believe what she was witnessing. She squinted, blinked several times, and rubbed over her eyes, thinking her mind was playing tricks. However, there was no doubt that that was Arthur Morgan. She could recognize him a mile away.

Her heart froze and dropped.

She did not know what to do. She felt betrayed but also confused. Maybe this was not what it seemed? But it was exactly what Dutch said. (Y/n) considered running into the building, but she did not want to cause a commotion. Not to mention, it was evident who Arthur really loved.

Dutch took notice of (Y/n)'s reaction. "I know, it's not something you wanted to see, but you asked. I'm sorry you had to find out this way-"

"I want to leave." Said (Y/n).

"Where to? Back to camp?" Asked Dutch, hiding his amusement.

She continued, "No. I want to leave the gang. I have no want of staying. Please, just let me go." Tears were falling from her eyes.

Dutch held back his grin. "You know, I know you're having a rough time. I usually don't let witnesses leave so easily, but you seemed to be trustworthy enough. I'll leave you at the local hotel here and let you find your own way. I think that's fair enough."

(Y/n) accepted his offer and followed him on their way to her new start.

* * *

They walked into hotel to the front desk. Dutch checked (Y/n) in and handed her the key and the room number. "I wish you luck on your journey." Said Dutch, lightly smiling.

"Thank you, really. I appreciate you warning me. I had no idea Arthur felt so strongly about this Mary Linton after so long. They look happy with one another." She took the key and headed up stairs to her room.

Dutch watched her leave and when she was out of sight, he turned to the man at the counter. "Can you call down a Mr. Hillington for me? I brought him something."

//BEARING ARMS//RDR2//ARTHUR x READERWhere stories live. Discover now