Chapter Thirteen

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"I say we sell her off," said Micah, "she won't have to be killed, and she'll be far away enough to keep quiet."

"What? Are you crazy? We can't do that!" Said Sean, "She's just a wee las! I say we keep'er!"

Dutch cut in, "Look, this is a messy situation indeed, but we need to think of the group as a whole. We can't risk someone slipping out our whereabouts."

Hosea was next to pitch in, "but, Dutch, you can't be seriously considering to 'off' a young lady? She's innocent and harmless! I'm sure a warning will scare her enough to keep quiet!"

Arthur exited the tent to hear the conversation. "What in Sam's hell is goin' on here?" He asked, already knowing what was probably being discussed.

Javier sighed, "we're...we're deciding what to do with that girl, (Y/n). It seems we're very conflicted on this whole idea."

"Is that what y'all are hollerin' about?" Arthur said as he crossed his arms over his chest. Clearly, he was getting heated up and ready to defend (Y/n) at any cost. "Well, what do y'all propose?" He asked.

Dutch cleared his throat before speaking, "As of right now, shipping her away, or killing her off-"

"That's not happening! Not either one of those!" Yelled Arthur.

Bill pointed at Arthur, "Hey! This wouldn't never have been a problem if you hadn't brought her here in the first place!"

Arthur scrunched his face in anger, "Is that really what you're tellin' me right now? And you suppose I should have left her out to die?!"

Bill raised his hands in defense, backing off after realizing the rage he had stirred in Arthur. "All I'm sayin' is that, maybe, we should decide and not you since you started all this."

John placed a hand on Arthur's shoulder, trying to keep him calm. "No, he should have a say more than ever if you're sayin' this is his fault, Bill. Arthur brought her, so Arthur should get a say," said John. He saw how Arthur and (Y/n) were together. It reminded him in a way of Abigail and himself. The moment, and conversation between the two he briefly overheard, touched him. John could tell (Y/n) was something special to Arthur and was a step forward for the better for him.

Dutch, trying to still hold all faith as leader of the gang decided to compromise. "Okay, seeing as the group is conflicted on deciding, we'll take a vote- including Arthur," he said. The meeting had gone quiet, the fire's crackle only being heard. Dutch continued, "on a show of hands, how many want to shoot (Y/n)?"

The fire cracked.


It was silent.

"Okay, so no one wants the woman dead. How about being sold off?"

At this idea, two hands were raised: Micah and Bill's. Dutch wanted to Express his approval of shipping (Y/n) away but held back. He did not want to be accused as heartless, as he did want to win most of the group's remaining loyalty.

Dutch clapped his hands together, "and so it seems we have decided. She will live and she shall stay. But, I add a condition in order for this to work out." Arthur shifted his weight, anxious awaiting the single request that would allow (Y/n) to live.

Dutch pointed to Arthur, "I need you to keep a close eye on her. She's your responsibility now. If she leaves the camp, you go with her. Keep her in line, you understand me, son?"

"I understand," confirmed Arthur.

Hosea rubbed his face, walking off to his tent. He said, "let's call it a night. I think we've done enough talking right now."

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