Final Author's Note

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Thank you for reading! 

This is the first story I have completed, and so I hope you enjoyed the read :) 

It was really fun plotting out what was going to happen. I had a vision on how I wanted this all to end. As soon as I finished RDR2, I knew it. I always had thought Arthur deserved  a better ending (I like the game's ending though, don't get me wrong), one where he actually gets what he dreamed of after all- and I'm sure most of players did too. 

Thanks again for reading, voting, and commenting! All of you have brought a smile to my face as I never expected this story to get so much readers in the first place. So, thanks a bunch for that! 

I already have my next story in the making. If you like The Mandalorian, then I hope to see you reading along my next story! 

Thank you :) and God bless, 


//BEARING ARMS//RDR2//ARTHUR x READERWhere stories live. Discover now