Chapter Thirty-Two

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(Y/n) was startled at the sight. What mysterious figure could be at the window at this hour? And at the second story of the building for that matter!

Hesitantly, she got up and made her way towards the window. The glass tapping continued even as she stepped closer to the window. Once she made it, (Y/n) could not help but gasp. It was Arthur.

He looked exhausted but smiled at the sight of his (Y/n). She looked beautiful as ever even in the dead of night. Quickly, she forced the window open, nearly causing Arthur to fall back. She grabbed his hands to stop him from falling back on the flimsy ladder.

"What do you think you're doing, Morgan!" (Y/n) yelled in a whisper.

Arthur was finally happy at the end of the day. Sure, (Y/n) looked upset with him at the moment, but she was touching his hand and he knew she was safe. That much was enough to make him content.

He said, "I'm here to talk to you! I figure Dutch turned you in and I'm here to take you back!"

She scoffed, "Oh, really? Dutch showed me what you've been up to." She leaned closer, squinted her eyes. "You were off with a Mary Linton."

Then, she softened her expression, "It's okay, Arthur. If you're happier with her, than go. Your happiness would mean the world to me." She rubbed his hand with her thumb. He was gob smacked. This woman made him love her more by the second.

"(Y/n) ...," he leaned closer and lifted at hand to her face. He was about to give a quick peck to her lips, until she pulled away.

"Arthur, Hurry up!" Called John at the bottom while holding the shaky ladder. "I'm sorry, but this damn ladder's nearly about to give out!"

Arthur looked up to (Y/n) again. Why would she refuse his kiss? Now, he was worried.

She said to him, "Look, I like you. But, I'm going to be married soon. I don't know how to get out of it. And if I'm being honest, after seeing you earlier with Mary, I'm not sure if you're lying to yourself about me. Do you really love me that much? I just don't know..."

Arthur had tears at his eyes. He wished he was stronger to hold them back, but (Y/n) made him weak. "I'm sure of it all. I love you, (Y/n) Robinson." He reached into his bag at his side. "I want you to have this. Promise me you'll read it before tomorrow." It was his journal.

She took the leather book with one hand. "I will," she said.

Before she closed the window, Arthur kissed her hand goodbye. He said, "I'll see you tomorrow to speak again, goodnight."

(Y/n) held the journal close and turned away. Just then outside the window, she heard a creak followed by, "Ah!" Then a crash and a, "Goddamnit!"

John tried to keep quiet, "Arthur! Leave the ladder!"

"What ladder? It's driftwood now!" Arthur kicked the pieces into the bushes to hide it away. Afterwards, the two men ran fast around the corner before anyone could investigate the scene.

(Y/n) wanted to laugh but knew it was best to be quiet. She did not want anyone knocking on her door to see what was happening.

After settled on the edge of her bed she opened the journal, the very thing Arthur held so dearly to himself. She knew he would share drawings with her from time to time, but never was she able to read straight from it. It was so personal to Arthur. It was like he was opening up himself to her completely. He was okay with being vulnerable to her.

She read from the start to the end. (Y/n) blushed and smiled at the entries he wrote of her, his thoughts. She laughed at the stories he told of his past. She studied the sights he had seen around the land he explored. And finally, the last written page.

It was a note that read, "(Y/n), I love you with my heart entirely. I treasure every moment spent with you and only hope to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. For you, I'll give up my current life, settle down in a home to call our own, and live the rest of my days making you smile."

She held a hand over her mouth. A small diamond ring was pressed inside the journal. The note continued, "(Y/n) Robinson, will you make me the happiest man and marry me?"

(Y/n) silently cried to herself, not wanting to disturb the sleeping guest in the rooms beside her. She wanted to scream from happiness. She slipped on the ring to see it for a second. She could not believe how excited she was.

She put back the ring and hid the book away. At last, she could not hold back any longer. She screamed into her pillow then danced around the room. A knock at the door stopped (Y/n) in place.

"Is everything alright in there, dear?" Asked Mrs. Hillington.

(Y/n) smiled, "Yes, I'm fine!"

The older woman asked again through the door, "Well, what's the matter then?"

(Y/n) told her with joy in her voice, "I'm just so happy! I'm getting married!"

Mrs. Hillington laughed, "Yes, of course you are! How could I forget? Peter is happy to marry you, as well!"

Her smile faded as reality took over again. She had to stop the wedding. Her family's fortune was for her, not the Hillington's or for her Aunt. (Y/n) had to get back to Arthur. She had to think of something that would save them both. 

//BEARING ARMS//RDR2//ARTHUR x READERTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang