Three Guys Like Me, One Is My Soul Mate. Decisions Decisions...(Part 1)

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Here's a new story I'm working on. I hope it's good. Please give me some feed back!


"You don't want to do this, Jane!" Tyler yelled from below.

"Yes I do! Nothing I do is good enough!" I yelled back.

"Everything you do is good enough, to me!" Mark yelled, walking up next to Tyler.


"Jane don't do it!" Eli said from behind me, which scared me.

"Gah!" I then fell backwards, and began to fall.


My name is Jane Charity. I think my life doesn't mean much. I'm not suicidal or anything, I'm just a downer.

"Jane. Answer please." My teacher Ms. Merry said.

"Go suck a cow." I muttered. Kids around me laughed silently.

"What?" She asked, her hearing failing from the front of the classroom.

"The Declaration of Independance." I answered with a fake smile.

"Good. Now-" That's where I zoned out. Ms. Merry is just one boring teacher. There's no doubt in my mind she has a boring life.

She has long blonde hair that's always in a bun, a slender body. She was wearing a boring tan turtle neck sweater, a dark brown skirt that stop just above her knees, and and brown boots. She's a very bland person, she doesn't wear that many colors. Just tans and browns.


The shrill of the bell made the class jump and head for the door. I stayed in my seat and packed up my stuff in no rush to get to second hour.

"Hey best friend." Tyler greeted.

I smiled. Tyler had shaggy brown hair, brown eyes, was wearing a blue T-shirt, and a dark blue jeans, with black converse.

"Hey, Tyler." I shoved another book into my ratty black backpack.

"You look nice today." He said with a smile. I looked down at my black t-shirt, blue skinny jeans, and black converse with neon smiley faces on them. My dark brown hair that went to my shoudlers was down and straight. i hate doing anything to my hair besides straightening it.

"Thank you. You look pretty shnazy yourself." I laughed..

"I try." He laughed with me. I packed my last folder and zipped up my bag, and slung it over my shoulders.

"Ready to go?" Tyler asked.

"Yup." We walked out of the classroom and into the crowded hallway full of students.

"Tyler Penn and Jane Charity to the office!" Mr. Potts, our fat principal screamed from the intercom.

"He needs to calm down." I muttered.

"Maybe. but let's go see what he wants." Tyler grabbed my arm and started pulling me down the hallway towards the office.


Tyler and I walked into the office. Mr. Potta was talking to this kid I've never seen before. As we walked through the door Mr. Potts looked up at us. "Good. your both here. Show Mr. Days around." With that, our gray haired, short and chubby principal walked into his office.

The new kid turned around. "Uh, hi. I'm Mark." His smooth, deep voice said.

"Tyler." They shook hands.

"Jane." I mumbled. Mark held his hand out for me to shake, but when he saw that I made no intention to shake his hand, he slowly lowered it to his side. But he still stared at me.

He has boyish blue eyes, shaggy dark brown hair, a lip ring, and was wearing an Attack Attack t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and red converse.

"Nice to meet you both." he siad.

"Schedule?" Tyler held his hand out.

Mark handed him a piece of paper. "Hm. You have every class with Jane, and only biology, math, and cooking which we are all in.

"Cool beans." Mark said, taking his schedule back.

I looked at the clock on the TV in the office and noticed we were going to me late for Mr. Polo's class. I just turned around and started walking.

"Jane. Where are you going?" Tyler asked.

"We're gonna be late." I opened the door and started down the hallway. I heard footsteps from behind me, they were running so I guess it was Tyler and Mark. I could feel eyes on my back, but I ignored it, and kept walking.


We walked into Mr. Polo's biology class.

"Hey kids." Mr. Polo greeted from his desk overflowing with papers. I noticed he was wearing his usual black dress shirt with black trousers, a red tie, and his tan hair was gelled for spiked in the front of his hair. Over all, Mr. Polo was one of the hottest teachers in the school.

"Hey Mr. Polo." Tyler said. I gave him a wave, and went to go sit down at my desk.

"Who's this?" He got up from his desk and walked over to Tyler and Mark.

"This is Mark. He's new." Tyler said, walking over to his desk in the back.

"Well, Mark. You can sit in the free seat in the third row." In other words, next to me. Great...

Mark smirked when he saw he would be sitting next to me. He walked over and sat down. His eyes clearly on me.


"Okay! Quiet down! Class has begun!" Mr. Polo said, clapping his hands to get the class to shut up. As the class quieted Mr. Polo began talking about Mitosis. Once I heard that, I zoned out like always. School has no meaning.

"Is there a reason every girl in the room is either staring at me or Mr. Polo?" Mark whispered.

"Well, most girls think Mr. P is hot. But I'm confused on why they are staring at you..." i gave him a puzzling look. My eyes roaming up and down his body. He looked average, his biceps were visible due to his short sleave shirt. But he didn't look that strong.

"Are you kidding? I'm hot!"

I patted his arm. "You keep thinking that."

"Maybe I will."

"Have fun."

"Jane, pay attention." Mr. Polo said. I nooded my head. "Okay! I want you guys to get into groups of three and start on the packet. Go!" All the girls jumped up and ran over to Mark. I just shoved my way throught the crowd around our desks, and walked over to Tyler.

"Guess we aren't working with Mark" He said.

"Good." I took the seat next to Tyler.

"Sorry girls. I already have a group!" We heard Mark say. All the girls groaned and walked away. Mark smiled and got up from his desk and walked over to us. he took the seat in front of me. "Told you I'm hot." he smirked, then winked at me.

"Once again. Keep thinking that." I patted his head this time.

"Once again. I will."

"Okay! Let's just get started.


Feed back? I just got writing this story like last week, and I'm starting to like it. But i will keep writing There's Something About Sarah...

But please I kinda want feed comment and vote!

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