Part 5

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Okay. I am upload today because I am FINALLY at Eli. I am hoping you all will love him like I do. He's a mega sweetheart! But you shall meet more characters, and hopefully love them too. As much as I want to give away a lot, I can't. So enjoy Part 5!!! Love you all!!


We walked to class and took our seats. Eli sat two rows away from me, I couldn't really see him. No wonder I didn't notice him.

Tyler was looking at me, but I avoided his gaze. Mark and him pissed me off with the fighting over me. I think they can live without talking to me for a little bit.

Mark came into the room and sat next to me. He tried to grab my hand, but I pulled it away. "Jane?" He questioned.


I stared forward, ready to listen to Mr. Polo. Mark was still looking at me.

"Okay, find a partner, and you both can work on the packets I'm handing out." Mr. Polo said.

I looked over at Eli, he smiled and nodded.

Mark and Tyler looked at me, but I got up with my stuff and walked over to Eli. Taking the empty seat next to him.

"Hey, Jane." He greeted. His green eyes sparkled.

"Hey, Eli." I smiled.

The rest of the class went to their groups, Tyler was working with Eugine the nerd. And Mark was working with Andy, one of his friends. Both of them looked bored and pissed at me, but I dont think I could care less.

"Shall we start?" Eli asked.

"Yeah." I brushed his arm with mine while I was grabbing a pencil, but I felt a spark. I gasped and looked up at him. He was staring at me with wide green eyes. "Uh, do you feel, like, a spark or something whenever we touch?" I asked.

"Definantly." He answered. Good, so I'm not crazy.

"Do you possibly know what it means?"

"I think it means that we're soul mates." He smiled at me.

Sould mate?! That's insane! Eli is incredible! Plus Hot! I screamed in my head, and did a happy dance, also in my head. That would be a little...over the top?

I had to ask this question. "You sure that's what everything means?"

"If my research is correct. Yeah."

"You researched soul mates?" I laughed.

"My free time is none of your buisness." He laughed with me, I officialy love his laugh. It was like harmony...I blushed and looked down, trying to cover the blush that rose to my cheeks at my thoughts.

"This should be fun." I said, looking at the packet, and flipping through it. Three pages of pure BORING!

"Biology is easy, soul mate." Said Eli, winking at me.

Eli and I talked about random stuff the whole hour, while also learning more about eachother. But like always, time flew by.


"What class do you have next?" Eli asked while I gathered my stuff.

"Geometry." I sighed, getting up.



"Damn. Let me see your schedule."

"Can I just tell you my classes?"

Eli laughed. "Sure."

"Geometry with Walters, Language Arts with Mr. Mike, lunch, cooking, then History with Meyers."

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