Part 30

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I ran a shakey hand through my brown locks, wondering if I should go up there or not.

"Mark! Are you out of your fucking mind?!" I heard Tyler yell.

That made me sprint up the stairs, stumbling a little bit after ever other step.

When I finally made it to my room, I saw Eli laying on the floor, clutching his stomach, and breathing heavy. Mark was standing over him, death in his eyes.

Tears filled my eyes at the sight of Eli. I desperatly wanted to run to him, and make everything go away.

"I'm better for her, Tyler! You and I both know that!"

"The hell you are! Get off him."

"Fuck you, Tyler!" Mark screamed.

"Mark." I sobbed.

His eyes became softer as I spoke his name.

"Mark, please. Let him up." I clutched my stomach, as the tears started to flow.

He sighed, and moved away from my fiance'.

I ran to him, and ran my fingers through his black hair. "Are you okay?!"

He coughed, and smiled up at me. "Perfect now that you're here."

I leaned down and kissed him gently.

"I'm calling the police." Tyler said, walking out of my room.

"Tyler!" I called.

"Yo." His head popped into the doorway.

"There's no reason to call the police."

"Jane, there's every reason to." Eli whispered.

"We have enough going on in our lives. We don't need anymore."

"So, do I call the cops or not?" Tyler asked.

"No." Eli grumbled.

I looked over at Mark and saw that he was staring at me with a smug smile on his face.

I wanted to slap that smile right off. Hell, I almost did, that is until Eli grabbed my hand and twined our fingers.

"Stop staring at her, Mark." He said.

"I'll never forgot that amazing kiss we shared, Jane. I know you could feel the sparks, just like I did. See you at school beautiful." He winked at me, then left.

"His ass will be getting kicked shortly." Eli growled.

"Blake?" I giggled.

"And, River." He lifted a hand, and cupped the side of my face.

"Need your friends to fight your battles for you?"

"No. Never. I just thought Mark could get a few kicks and punches in. I deserve it."

"Why would you deserve it?"

"I did steal you from him..." He whispered.

"And I'm happy for that. Without you, I'd still be with him."

Eli smiled a huge smile, and his hand found its way around the back of my neck.

"I love you." He told me.

"I love you, too." I whispered.

He tugged my head down, and our lips met in the sweetest kiss, Eli and I have ever shared.


Eli ended up with mild bruises on his stomach and chest. Mark left the scene without a scratch on him.

Over the weekend the bruises were started to fade, but not by much. Nikki and Cam visited their big brother over the weekend, and Nikki played doctor with Cam as the nurse. Cutest damn thing I've ever seen. Eli laughed so hard when he saw Cam wearing one of the nurses hat, and a dress. Nikki claimed she knew more, so she had to be the doctor.

"Jane, come on. We're going to be late." Eli said, pulling me out of my thoughts.


"Get in the car, babe." He chuckled.

I smiled and looked my fiance' over. He was looking super sexy in his black skinny jeans, white and black long sleeve shirt, and black converse. He had on his lip ring today, and he couldn't look hotter.

"Jane, I love it when you check me out, but we are going to be late." I heard Eli chuckle.

"We match." Was all I said.

Eli's green eye's roamed my body. He started at my face, then down to my zebra print tank top, lingering on my breasts, and down to my black denim short shorts, down my bare legs, and to my black converse, then back up to my face.

"You look, dashing." He said in a perfect British accent.

"So do you, darling." I mimicked his British accent, but it sounded terrible compared to his.

So terrible, Eli burst out laughing.

"Shut up!" I growled, and slif into the jeep.

Eli was still laughing when he closed the car door, and went to the drivers side. When he clipped in his seatbelt, the laughter died down. "Sorry, babe." He chuckled.

I scowled at him, and put on my seatbelt.


"Jane!" A voice called from behind Eli and I.

We just walked into the school, Eli wrapped an arm around my waist, and brought me closer to him.

"Jane!" I turned around and saw Tyler running up to us.

"Hey, Ty." I smiled, walked out of Eli's hold, and went to hug my best friend. "What's up? I didn't even hear you leave the other day."

"Yeah, when you two start to get all mushy, that's when I leave." He motioned towards Eli and I.

I giggled, and stepped back next to Eli.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house for a movie? Kinda like last time." Tyler asked.

"Last time?" I whispered. Memories of Tyler telling me he loved me filled my brain.

"No! Not exactly like last time! But, just the movie part."

Eli looked at him questioningly.

"Uh, sure, Ty." I gave him a small smile.

"Cool. See you after school." He smiled at me, then walked away.

"What happened last time?" Eli asked, pulling me down the hallway to our first hour.

"He told me he loved me."

"Perfect." He muttered.


Hello!! Sorry for the wait! I just couldn't get in the mood to write. Other than that sad excuse, I got nothing, except I'm obsessed with Breathe Carolina again!!!!!! Yeah:) Love them <3

:D -FallenTorment16

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