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So, I bet you all know that I have already started a sequel to this story, but I just wanted to do this little contest thing. 

You ready? Good! 

If you want, you can write a new ending to Three Guys... Like, Jane ends up with Tyler, or Mark. Anything. Maybe even the WHOLE wedding? 


PM me if you're interested in doing this. 

I'll choose the winner, and they'll have the chapter posted on here so you all can read it. 

But I do have a couple rules... 

1. Can ONLY be in Jane or Eli's POV. 

2. You can't go back to any of the chapters. It HAS to be after the epilogue. You can lead off from the wedding, but you can't go back. 

So, I hope a couple of people do this. It'll be neat with a few different ideas of what you guys' hoped would happen, but didn't. lol 

PM me of you're interested!!! 

:D -FallenTorment16

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