Part 20

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Sorry about the no upload yesterday. I was just really tired. But hopefully this chapter makes up for it!!


"Red is totally your color." Cara complimented from her purple bed. Her walls were all different colors. Red, blue, green, pink, yellow, orange. I loved her room. It was so colorful.

But currently, I am trying on all her dresses in search of mine. The boys will be here in two hours, and I still haven't found my dress.

"It's cute." I sighed.

"Oh!" She got up from her bed and ran over to the closet. Then, she pulled out a short dress with a black skirt, and a dark purple top. It was beautiful.

I grabbed the dress and went into her bathroom, the dress went to my mid thigh, but looks amazing. I hear Cara's phone ring, and she started talking to whoever it was on the phone when I walked out.

She stopped talking mid sentance when she looked at me. The person on the phone started yelling. She shook her head a little bit and said into the phone, "Purple. She's wearing purple." Then she hung up.

"I guess I'm wearing this?" I giggled.

"Yes! I'm completely speechless! There's no words to descirbe how beautiful you look!"

"Thanks. So, who was on the phone?"

"Eli. He wanted to know what color his tie should be."

"He's wearing a tux?" I couldn't picture him in a tux. It didn't seem...Eli.

"That's kinda the dress code, Jane." She laughed, and went back to her closet.

"What shoes?" I asked.

"These." She came back with black stilletoes with a large purple flower at the tip.

"You're the boss." I sighed, and slipped them on.

"I'm going to go change. We got two hours to make ourselves gorgeous!" Cara ran into her bathroom, her aqua blue dress in hand.

I hope heaven needs you more...

"Hello?" I answered my phone.

"Hey, babe." Eli sighed.

"Hey, handsome."

"So, you're wearing purple?"

"Yeah. Cara said I looked so good, she was speechless." I laughed.

"I can't wait to see you."

"Me too. Just one more hour, baby." I leaned back on the bed.

"One more hour." He sighed.

"Hey! I ignored Ryan's calls! You can ignor Eli's!" Cara yelled.

"Cara! I haven't seen him in three hours! Let me hear his voice!" I whined. I could hear Eli's musical laughter from the phone.

"No!" She lunged for my phone.

"Cara!" I moved out of the way, just as she was about to jump on me.

"Give me the phone!"

I put the phone to my ear. "Eli! She's chasing me! We don't have much time." I ran out of her room, and down the hallway. Cara on my heels.

"How am I supposed to tell you how much I love you in such short time?!" He gasped. I could hear a smirk in his voice though.

"You can try. GAH!" I ducked, and a pillow hit the wall where my head used to be. Stupid living room couches...All full of furniture, and pillows.

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