Part 7

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So. My laptop is pissing me off. I already wrote this chapter. I was ALMOST done with it when I got kicked out of my internet, and I couldn't get back on it. I tried everything to get back on it, but I couldn't and had to shut down my frikin laptop. I lost all my work...So now I must restart! I hate that. I should've saved it, but I didn't know that would happen! So now I'm pissy and slamming my keys with more force han neccessary. AWESOME RIGHT?! Here the chapter...


"Really, Eli. You-"

I hope heaven needs you more, more than I need you now. You know, I love you.

Lovely by Breathe Carolina played from my phone. "Hold on." I pulled out my phone and looked at the called ID. "Tyler." I said.



"I want to talk to him too." He winked at me.

"Okay then." I put the phone on speaker and answered it. "Hello?"

"Jane!" Tyler cheered.

"And Eli." I smiled and he wrapped an arm around me, then kissed my hair.

"Oh...Uh, hi."

"Hey." Eli said.

"What do you need, Tyler?"

"Ride home? Movie night?" Why I could hear a smirk in his voice, I don't know.

"Nope." I said, leaning my head on Eli's shoulder.


"She's walking with her boyfriend!" Eli yelled, laughing.


"Dumped him."

"Already a new boyfriend?"

"Soul mate." I smiled.

"Soul mate?" Tyler questioned, sounding hurt.

"Me." Eli stated proudly.

"Look, Ty, we gotta go. I'll talk to you later." I shut my phone before Tyler could say anything.

"Just hang up on him?" Eli laughed.


I hope heaven needs you more...

"Ugh! Tyler!" I opened my phone again, not bothering to put it on speaker. "Hello?!"

"Am I on speaker?"


"SOUL MATE?!" Tyler screamed so loud it made me jump.

"Why does it matter to you?!"

"I love you, Jane!"

"What?" Dammit...

"You know damn well you heard me."

"Look, I seriously have to go. Uh...Eli just got hit my a truck! So, bye!" I hung up, then turned my phone off. Don't get me wrong, I love Ty. But only as a friend...He's never been anything more than just a friend.

"I guess I got hit by a truck?" Eli laughed.

"Damn straight you did." I kissed his hand that was in front of my face.

"Awesome! Always fun." He looked around at our surroundings. His snake bite glistening in the sun as he smiled.

"You live around here? He asked.

Three Guys Like Me, One Is My Soul Mate. Decisions Decisions...Where stories live. Discover now