Part 3

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No good excuse besides I didn't really want to update! Sorry guys. Heres Part 3!!


"You do?" I gasped.

"Yeah." Mark smiled.

"I guess I can say I kind of like you too." I blushed, looking down.

"Really now..." He smirked.

"Yeah." I said, shyly.

"I love how your so shy."

"Shut up."

"Okay." He chuckeld, then looked away. There was a red tinge to his cheeks.

"There's something more you want to say." I said.

"Yeah..uh...there is."

"Tell me."

"Well...if you like me, and I like you...maybe, we should go out sometime?"

I looked up at Mark. He was looking at me with hopefull blue eyes. I didn't really know how to act about this, I mean, I've never been asked out before. I liked Mark sure, but I barely knew the guy. But I guess this could be the chance to get to know him. "Sure, Mark." I smiled.

"Awesome. Thank you, Jane." He gave my hand a light squeeze under the table.


All throught the class hour, Mark and I have been getting to know eachother, and of course doing our homework for the class.


Lunch bell. I smiled to myself and gathered up my stuff. I slung my bag over my shoulder. Mark walked up from behind me, and grabbed my hand, twining our fingers.

"Ready for lunch?" He asked me as we walked into the crowded hallway.

"Yes! I'm starving!" I laughed. Mark laughed with me.

We were about halfway to the cafeteria when Tyler came up to us.

"Hey guys." He greeted, putting an arm around my shoulders.

"Hey Ty." I smiled at him. Mark squeezed my hand.

"How was class?" He asked me.

"It was gr-"

"Awesome! I asked a very cute girl out." Mark said, cutting me off.

"Wow. Nice. What did she say?"

"She said yes." Mark smiled.

"Who was it?" Tyler asked.

"Your best friend." I felt the heat rush up to my cheeks. Mark then lifted our twined fingers in the air, showing them off to Tyler.

"That's interesting." Was all Tyler said.

We all walked down the steps to the cafeteria. The stoners normally hang out here. There was a boy with brown hair and brown eyes. He was pretty good looking. Then I saw a guy with blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He was just as good looking as the last kid. My eyes then fell on a boy dressed from head to toe in all black. He had a lip ring like Mark, (A/N: Mark and this mysterious boy who will be in the story later, they both have spiderbites) and had a single green streak in his hair. They all didn't notice us, as they were probably stoned, or in a deep conversation  

We got to an empty table and took our seats. A few girls across the room were waving at Mark. He waved our twined fingers at them. They looked annoyed, but stopped waving.

Three Guys Like Me, One Is My Soul Mate. Decisions Decisions...Where stories live. Discover now